- Figure.tight_layout(*, pad=1.08, h_pad=None, w_pad=None, rect=None)[source]#
Adjust the padding between and around subplots.
To exclude an artist on the Axes from the bounding box calculation that determines the subplot parameters (i.e. legend, or annotation), set
for that artist.- Parameters:
- padfloat, default: 1.08
Padding between the figure edge and the edges of subplots, as a fraction of the font size.
- h_pad, w_padfloat, default: pad
Padding (height/width) between edges of adjacent subplots, as a fraction of the font size.
- recttuple (left, bottom, right, top), default: (0, 0, 1, 1)
A rectangle in normalized figure coordinates into which the whole subplots area (including labels) will fit.
Examples using matplotlib.figure.Figure.tight_layout
Filling the area between lines
Resizing Axes with tight layout
Combining two subplots using subplots and GridSpec
Creating multiple subplots using plt.subplots
Demo of the histogram function's different histtype settings
The histogram (hist) function with multiple data sets
Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib