

alias of FigureCanvasPgf

class matplotlib.backends.backend_pgf.FigureCanvasPgf(figure=None)[source]#

Bases: FigureCanvasBase


Render the Figure.

This method must walk the artist tree, even if no output is produced, because it triggers deferred work that users may want to access before saving output to disk. For example computing limits, auto-limits, and tick values.

filetypes = {'pdf': 'LaTeX compiled PGF picture', 'pgf': 'LaTeX PGF picture', 'png': 'Portable Network Graphics'}#

Return the default savefig file format as specified in rcParams["savefig.format"] (default: 'png').

The returned string does not include a period. This method is overridden in backends that only support a single file type.

print_pdf(fname_or_fh, *, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Use LaTeX to compile a pgf generated figure to pdf.

print_pgf(fname_or_fh, **kwargs)[source]#

Output pgf macros for drawing the figure so it can be included and rendered in latex documents.

print_png(fname_or_fh, **kwargs)[source]#

Use LaTeX to compile a pgf figure to pdf and convert it to png.

exception matplotlib.backends.backend_pgf.LatexError(message, latex_output='')[source]#

Bases: Exception

class matplotlib.backends.backend_pgf.LatexManager[source]#

Bases: object

The LatexManager opens an instance of the LaTeX application for determining the metrics of text elements. The LaTeX environment can be modified by setting fonts and/or a custom preamble in rcParams.

get_width_height_descent(text, prop)[source]#

Get the width, total height, and descent (in TeX points) for a text typeset by the current LaTeX environment.

class matplotlib.backends.backend_pgf.PdfPages(filename, *, keep_empty=<object object>, metadata=None)[source]#

Bases: object

A multi-page PDF file using the pgf backend


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> # Initialize:
>>> with PdfPages('foo.pdf') as pdf:
...     # As many times as you like, create a figure fig and save it:
...     fig = plt.figure()
...     pdf.savefig(fig)
...     # When no figure is specified the current figure is saved
...     pdf.savefig()

Create a new PdfPages object.

filenamestr or path-like

Plots using PdfPages.savefig will be written to a file at this location. Any older file with the same name is overwritten.

keep_emptybool, default: True

If set to False, then empty pdf files will be deleted automatically when closed.

metadatadict, optional

Information dictionary object (see PDF reference section 10.2.1 'Document Information Dictionary'), e.g.: {'Creator': 'My software', 'Author': 'Me', 'Title': 'Awesome'}.

The standard keys are 'Title', 'Author', 'Subject', 'Keywords', 'Creator', 'Producer', 'CreationDate', 'ModDate', and 'Trapped'. Values have been predefined for 'Creator', 'Producer' and 'CreationDate'. They can be removed by setting them to None.

Note that some versions of LaTeX engines may ignore the 'Producer' key and set it to themselves.


Finalize this object, running LaTeX in a temporary directory and moving the final pdf file to filename.


Return the current number of pages in the multipage pdf file.

property keep_empty[source]#



Deprecated since version 3.8:

savefig(figure=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Save a Figure to this file as a new page.

Any other keyword arguments are passed to savefig.

figureFigure or int, default: the active figure

The figure, or index of the figure, that is saved to the file.

class matplotlib.backends.backend_pgf.RendererPgf(figure, fh)[source]#

Bases: RendererBase

Create a new PGF renderer that translates any drawing instruction into text commands to be interpreted in a latex pgfpicture environment.


Matplotlib figure to initialize height, width and dpi from.


File handle for the output of the drawing commands.

draw_image(gc, x, y, im, transform=None)[source]#

Draw an RGBA image.


A graphics context with clipping information.


The distance in physical units (i.e., dots or pixels) from the left hand side of the canvas.


The distance in physical units (i.e., dots or pixels) from the bottom side of the canvas.

im(N, M, 4) array of numpy.uint8

An array of RGBA pixels.


If and only if the concrete backend is written such that option_scale_image returns True, an affine transformation (i.e., an Affine2DBase) may be passed to draw_image. The translation vector of the transformation is given in physical units (i.e., dots or pixels). Note that the transformation does not override x and y, and has to be applied before translating the result by x and y (this can be accomplished by adding x and y to the translation vector defined by transform).

draw_markers(gc, marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, rgbFace=None)[source]#

Draw a marker at each of path's vertices (excluding control points).

The base (fallback) implementation makes multiple calls to draw_path. Backends may want to override this method in order to draw the marker only once and reuse it multiple times.


The graphics context.


The path for the marker.


An affine transform applied to the marker.


The locations to draw the markers.


An affine transform applied to the path.

rgbFacecolor, optional
draw_path(gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None)[source]#

Draw a Path instance using the given affine transform.

draw_tex(gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, *, mtext=None)[source]#

Draw a TeX instance.


The graphics context.


The x location of the text in display coords.


The y location of the text baseline in display coords.


The TeX text string.


The font properties.


The rotation angle in degrees anti-clockwise.


The original text object to be rendered.

draw_text(gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath=False, mtext=None)[source]#

Draw a text instance.


The graphics context.


The x location of the text in display coords.


The y location of the text baseline in display coords.


The text string.


The font properties.


The rotation angle in degrees anti-clockwise.

ismathbool or "TeX"

If True, use mathtext parser. If "TeX", use tex for rendering.


The original text object to be rendered.


Return whether y values increase from top to bottom.

Note that this only affects drawing of texts.


Return the canvas width and height in display coords.

get_text_width_height_descent(s, prop, ismath)[source]#

Get the width, height, and descent (offset from the bottom to the baseline), in display coords, of the string s with FontProperties prop.

Whitespace at the start and the end of s is included in the reported width.


Return whether image composition by Matplotlib should be skipped.

Raster backends should usually return False (letting the C-level rasterizer take care of image composition); vector backends should usually return not rcParams["image.composite_image"].


Return whether arbitrary affine transformations in draw_image are supported (True for most vector backends).


Convert points to display units.

You need to override this function (unless your backend doesn't have a dpi, e.g., postscript or svg). Some imaging systems assume some value for pixels per inch:

points to pixels = points * pixels_per_inch/72 * dpi/72
pointsfloat or array-like
Points converted to pixels

Return a function that converts a pdf file to a png file.