
matplotlib.pyplot.set_loglevel(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Configure Matplotlib's logging levels.

Matplotlib uses the standard library logging framework under the root logger 'matplotlib'. This is a helper function to:

  • set Matplotlib's root logger level

  • set the root logger handler's level, creating the handler if it does not exist yet

Typically, one should call set_loglevel("info") or set_loglevel("debug") to get additional debugging information.

Users or applications that are installing their own logging handlers may want to directly manipulate logging.getLogger('matplotlib') rather than use this function.

level{"notset", "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"}

The log level of the handler.



This is equivalent to matplotlib.set_loglevel.

The first time this function is called, an additional handler is attached to Matplotlib's root handler; this handler is reused every time and this function simply manipulates the logger and handler's level.