
Figure.supylabel(t, **kwargs)[source]#

Add a centered supylabel to the figure.


The supylabel text.

xfloat, default: 0.02

The x location of the text in figure coordinates.

yfloat, default: 0.5

The y location of the text in figure coordinates.

horizontalalignment, ha{'center', 'left', 'right'}, default: left

The horizontal alignment of the text relative to (x, y).

verticalalignment, va{'top', 'center', 'bottom', 'baseline'}, default: center

The vertical alignment of the text relative to (x, y).

fontsize, sizedefault: rcParams["figure.labelsize"] (default: 'large')

The font size of the text. See Text.set_size for possible values.

fontweight, weightdefault: rcParams["figure.labelweight"] (default: 'normal')

The font weight of the text. See Text.set_weight for possible values.


The Text instance of the supylabel.

Other Parameters:
fontpropertiesNone or dict, optional

A dict of font properties. If fontproperties is given the default values for font size and weight are taken from the FontProperties defaults. rcParams["figure.labelsize"] (default: 'large') and rcParams["figure.labelweight"] (default: 'normal') are ignored in this case.


Additional kwargs are matplotlib.text.Text properties.

Examples using matplotlib.figure.Figure.supylabel#

Figure labels: suptitle, supxlabel, supylabel

Figure labels: suptitle, supxlabel, supylabel