Source code for probscale.transforms

import numpy
from matplotlib.transforms import Transform

def _mask_out_of_bounds(a):
    Return a Numpy array where all values outside ]0, 1[ are
    replaced with NaNs. If all values are inside ]0, 1[, the original
    array is returned.
    a = numpy.array(a, float)
    mask = (a <= 0.0) | (a >= 1.0)
    if mask.any():
        return numpy.where(mask, numpy.nan, a)
    return a

def _clip_out_of_bounds(a):
    Return a Numpy array where all values outside ]0, 1[ are
    replaced with eps or 1 - eps. If all values are inside ]0, 1[
    the original array is returned. (eps = 1e-300)
    a = numpy.array(a, float)
    a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300
    a[a >= 1.0] = 1 - 1e-300
    return a

class _ProbTransformMixin(Transform):
    Mixin for MPL axes transform for quantiles/probabilities or


    input_dims = 1
    output_dims = 1
    is_separable = True
    has_inverse = True

    def __init__(self, dist, as_pct=True, out_of_bounds='mask'):
        self.dist = dist
        self.as_pct = as_pct
        self.out_of_bounds = out_of_bounds
        if self.as_pct:
            self.factor = 100.0
            self.factor = 1.0

        if self.out_of_bounds == 'mask':
            self._handle_out_of_bounds = _mask_out_of_bounds
        elif self.out_of_bounds == 'clip':
            self._handle_out_of_bounds = _clip_out_of_bounds
            raise ValueError("`out_of_bounds` muse be either 'mask' or 'clip'")

[docs]class ProbTransform(_ProbTransformMixin): """ MPL axes tranform class to convert quantiles to probabilities or percents. Parameters ---------- dist : scipy.stats distribution The distribution whose ``cdf`` and ``pdf`` methods wiil set the scale of the axis. as_pct : bool, optional (True) Toggles the formatting of the probabilities associated with the tick labels as percentanges (0 - 100) or fractions (0 - 1). out_of_bounds : string, optionals ('mask' or 'clip') Determines how data outside the range of valid values is handled. The default behavior is to mask the data. Alternatively, the data can be clipped to values arbitrarily close to the limits of the scale. """
[docs] def transform_non_affine(self, prob): prob = self._handle_out_of_bounds(numpy.asarray(prob) / self.factor) q = self.dist.ppf(prob) return q
[docs] def inverted(self): return QuantileTransform(self.dist, as_pct=self.as_pct, out_of_bounds=self.out_of_bounds)
[docs]class QuantileTransform(_ProbTransformMixin): """ MPL axes tranform class to convert probabilities or percents to quantiles. Parameters ---------- dist : scipy.stats distribution The distribution whose ``cdf`` and ``pdf`` methods wiil set the scale of the axis. as_pct : bool, optional (True) Toggles the formatting of the probabilities associated with the tick labels as percentanges (0 - 100) or fractions (0 - 1). out_of_bounds : string, optionals ('mask' or 'clip') Determines how data outside the range of valid values is handled. The default behavior is to mask the data. Alternatively, the data can be clipped to values arbitrarily close to the limits of the scale. """
[docs] def transform_non_affine(self, q): prob = self.dist.cdf(q) * self.factor return prob
[docs] def inverted(self): return ProbTransform(self.dist, as_pct=self.as_pct, out_of_bounds=self.out_of_bounds)