Source code for probscale.probscale

import numpy
from matplotlib.scale import ScaleBase
from matplotlib.ticker import (

from .transforms import ProbTransform
from .formatters import PctFormatter, ProbFormatter

class _minimal_norm(object):
    A basic implmentation of a normal distribution, minimally
    API-complient with scipt.stats.norm


    _A = -(8 * (numpy.pi - 3.0) / (3.0 * numpy.pi * (numpy.pi - 4.0)))

    def _approx_erf(cls, x):
        """ Approximate solution to the error function


        guts = -x**2 * (4.0 / numpy.pi + cls._A * x**2) / (1.0 + cls._A * x**2)
        return numpy.sign(x) * numpy.sqrt(1.0 - numpy.exp(guts))

    def _approx_inv_erf(cls, z):
        """ Approximate solution to the inverse error function


        _b = (2 / numpy.pi / cls._A) + (0.5 * numpy.log(1 - z**2))
        _c = numpy.log(1 - z**2) / cls._A
        return numpy.sign(z) * numpy.sqrt(numpy.sqrt(_b**2 - _c) - _b)

    def ppf(cls, q):
        """ Percent point function (inverse of cdf)


        return numpy.sqrt(2) * cls._approx_inv_erf(2*q - 1)

    def cdf(cls, x):
        """ Cumulative density function


        return 0.5 * (1 + cls._approx_erf(x/numpy.sqrt(2)))

[docs]class ProbScale(ScaleBase): """ A probability scale for matplotlib Axes. Parameters ---------- axis : a matplotlib axis artist The axis whose scale will be set. dist : scipy.stats probability distribution, optional The distribution whose ppf/cdf methods should be used to compute the tick positions. By default, a minimal implimentation of the ``scipy.stats.norm`` class is used so that scipy is not a requirement. Examples -------- The most basic use: .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> from matplotlib import pyplot >>> import probscale >>> fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(4, 7)) >>> ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.5, top=99.5) >>> ax.set_yscale('prob') """ name = 'prob' def __init__(self, axis, **kwargs): self.dist = kwargs.pop('dist', _minimal_norm) self.as_pct = kwargs.pop('as_pct', True) self.nonpos = kwargs.pop('nonpos', 'mask') self._transform = ProbTransform(self.dist, as_pct=self.as_pct) @classmethod def _get_probs(cls, nobs, as_pct): """ Returns the x-axis labels for a probability plot based on the number of observations (`nobs`). """ if as_pct: factor = 1.0 else: factor = 100.0 order = int(numpy.floor(numpy.log10(nobs))) base_probs = numpy.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]) axis_probs = base_probs.copy() for n in range(order): if n <= 2: lower_fringe = numpy.array([1, 2, 5]) upper_fringe = numpy.array([5, 8, 9]) else: lower_fringe = numpy.array([1]) upper_fringe = numpy.array([9]) new_lower = lower_fringe / 10**(n) new_upper = upper_fringe / 10**(n) + axis_probs.max() axis_probs = numpy.hstack([new_lower, axis_probs, new_upper]) locs = axis_probs / factor return locs
[docs] def set_default_locators_and_formatters(self, axis): """ Set the locators and formatters to specialized versions for log scaling. """ axis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(self._get_probs(1e8, self.as_pct))) if self.as_pct: axis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(PctFormatter())) else: axis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(ProbFormatter())) axis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) axis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter())
[docs] def get_transform(self): """ Return a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance appropriate for the given logarithm base. """ return self._transform
[docs] def limit_range_for_scale(self, vmin, vmax, minpos): """ Limit the domain to positive values. """ return (vmin <= 0.0 and minpos or vmin, vmax <= 0.0 and minpos or vmax)