Source code for probscale.formatters

import numpy as numpy
from matplotlib.ticker import Formatter

class _FormatterMixin(Formatter):
    """ A mpl-axes formatter mixin class """

    def _sig_figs(cls, x, n, expthresh=5, forceint=False):
        Formats a number with the correct number of significant digits.

        x : int or float
            The number you want to format.
        n : int
            The number of significan figures it should have.
        expthresh : int, optional (default = 5)
            The absolute value of the order of magnitude at which numbers
            are formatted in exponential notation.
        forceint : bool, optional (default is False)
            If true, simply returns int(x)

        formatted : str
            The formatted number as a string

        >>> _sig_figs(1247.15, 3)
        >>> _sig_figs(1247.15, 7)


        # return a string value unaltered
        if isinstance(x, str):
            out = cls._sig_figs(float(x), n, expthresh=expthresh, forceint=forceint)

        elif x == 0.0:
            out = '0'

        # check on the number provided
        elif x is not None and numpy.isfinite(x):

            # check on the _sig_figs
            if n < 1:
                raise ValueError("number of sig figs (n) must be greater than zero")

            elif forceint:
                out = '{:,.0f}'.format(x)

            # logic to do all of the rounding
                order = numpy.floor(numpy.log10(numpy.abs(x)))

                if (-1.0 * expthresh <= order <= expthresh):
                    decimal_places = int(n - 1 - order)

                    if decimal_places <= 0:
                        out = '{0:,.0f}'.format(round(x, decimal_places))

                        fmt = '{0:,.%df}' % decimal_places
                        out = fmt.format(x)

                    decimal_places = n - 1
                    fmt = '{0:.%de}' % decimal_places
                    out = fmt.format(x)

        # with NAs and INFs, just return 'NA'
            out = 'NA'

        return out

    def __call__(self, x, pos=None):
        if x < (10 / self.factor):
            out = self._sig_figs(x, 1)
        elif x <= (99 / self.factor):
            out =  self._sig_figs(x, 2)
            order = numpy.ceil(numpy.round(numpy.abs(numpy.log10( - x)), 6))
            out = self._sig_figs(x, order + self.offset)

        return '{}'.format(out)

[docs]class PctFormatter(_FormatterMixin): """ Formatter class for MPL axes to display probalities as percentages. Examples -------- >>> from probscale import formatters >>> fmt = formatters.PctFormatter() >>> fmt(0.2) '0.2' >>> fmt(10) '10' >>> fmt(99.999) '99.999' """ factor = 1.0 offset = 2 top = 100
[docs]class ProbFormatter(_FormatterMixin): """ Formatter class for MPL axes to display probalities as decimals. Examples -------- >>> from probscale import formatters >>> fmt = formatters.ProbFormatter() >>> fmt(0.01) '0.01' >>> fmt(0.2) '0.20' >>> try: ... fmt(10.5) ... except(ValueError): ... print('formatter out of bounds') formatter out of bounds """ factor = 100.0 offset = 0 top = 1