Third-party and user-contributed packages#

A list of packages that extend Matplotlib. These are maintained and distributed independently from Matplotlib so go to the website listed for instructions.

Please contribute your package by opening a pull-request at matplotlib/mpl-third-party using the template in the readme

If you need help making a package, see matplotlib/matplotlib-extension-cookiecutter where we give you a template to make it easy!

You can find more packages at PyPI using the Framework :: Matplotlib trove classifier.

Alternative APIs #

code badge pypi badge conda badge HoloViews High-level API providing composable multidimensional or columnar data objects that visualize themselves.
code badge pypi badge conda badge hvPlot Composable, interactive Pandas and Xarray .plot() objects.
code badge pypi badge conda badge pandas Tabular data analysis and manipulation tool providing a .plot() API for Matplotlib plotting.
code badge pypi badge conda badge plotnine A grammar of graphics for Python.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Xarray Multi-dimensional data analysis and manipulation tool providing a .plot() API for Matplotlib plotting.

Animations #

code badge pypi badge conda badge animatplot Interactive animated plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge celluloid Matplotlib animations made easy.
code badge pypi badge conda badge gif Ultra-lightweight animated GIF API.
code badge manimplotlib Collection of scripts to animate Matplotlib plots with manim.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-animators Create interactive animations of N-dimensional data, and of World Coordinate System (WCS) objects from Astropy.
code badge pypi badge conda badge numpngw Write animated pngs.
code badge pypi badge conda badge xmovie A simple way of creating beautiful movies from Xarray objects.

Colormaps and styles #

code badge pypi badge Aquarel Simplified wrapper for flexible styling and theming.
code badge pypi badge conda badge CMasher Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative and 'cmashing' plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge cmcrameri Fabio Crameri's perceptually uniform colormaps for geosciences.
code badge pypi badge conda badge cmocean Perceptually uniform colormaps for oceanographic variables.
code badge pypi badge conda badge cmweather Color vision deficiency friendly colormaps for weather/climate variables.
code badge pypi badge conda badge cmyt Colormaps from the yt project.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Colorcet Perceptually uniform continuous colormaps and perceptually distinct categorical color sets.
code badge pypi badge conda badge distinctipy Qualitative colormaps of any length, generated to be maximally distinct.
code badge pypi badge Farrow&Ball Matplotlib Color palettes inspired by British paint manufacturer Farrow and Ball.
code badge pypi badge mpl-visual-context Collection of patheffects and more
code badge pypi badge mplcyberpunk Cyberpunk / neon-glow look for plots.
code badge pypi badge pypalettes Large (+2500) collection of colormaps.
code badge pypi badge conda badge SciencePlots Matplotlib styles for scientific figures.
code badge pypi badge TUEplots Light-weight Matplotlib styles for figures used in scientific publications.
code badge pypi badge conda badge viscm Tool for analyzing colormaps and creating new colormaps.

Documentation #

code badge pypi badge conda badge Sphinx-Gallery Create Matplotlib galleries for your sphinx-built documentation.

Domain-specific libraries #

code badge pypi badge conda badge ArviZ Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with Python.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Astropy Astronomy processing and graphics (including mapping).
code badge pypi badge BG Heatmaps Brain heatmap visualizations.
code badge pypi badge colorio Tools for working with colors and color spaces.
code badge pypi badge conda badge cplot Plot complex-valued functions.
code badge pypi badge conda badge datamapplot Plotting clustered and labelled data maps.
code badge pypi badge DNA Features Viewer Visualize DNA features, e.g. from GenBank or Gff files, or Biopython SeqRecords.
code badge pypi badge conda badge grplot Complete and attractive statistical graphs in one function.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Hockey Rink A Python library for plotting hockey rinks with Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge HyperSpy Multidimensional data analysis, e.g. hyperspectral imaging.
code badge pypi badge conda badge librosa Audio signal processing with waveform and spectrogram displays.
code badge pypi badge marsilea Declarative creation of composable visualization.
code badge pypi badge conda badge MetPy A Python toolkit for meteorological applications.
code badge pypi badge conda badge microfilm 2D image plots and animations for multi-channel microscopy data.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mir_eval Evaluation tools and display helpers for audio annotations.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mplfinance Utilities for the visual analysis of financial data.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mplhep Set of helpers for Matplotlib to more easily produce plots typically needed in high energy physics.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mplsignal Utility functions for signal processing plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mplsoccer Plot soccer/football pitches and charts.
code badge pypi badge MyForestPlot A flexibly-customizable Python tool to create a forest plot.
code badge pypi badge conda badge NetworkX Working with and plotting network graphs.
code badge pypi badge planetMagFields Routines to easily access information about magnetic fields of planets in our solar system and visualize them in both 2D and 3D.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Py-ART The Python ARM Radar toolkit, used to analyze and plot weather radar data.
code badge pypi badge conda badge pyCircos A visualization tool for designing circos plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge pyGenomeViz A genome visualization python package for comparative genomics.
code badge pypi badge conda badge pymatviz A toolkit for visualizations in materials informatics.
code badge pypi badge PyPlutchik Python visualisation for Plutchik annotated corpora.
code badge pypi badge conda badge pytransform3d Work with, plot, and animate rigid transformations in 3D.
code badge pypi badge conda badge seaborn High-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics.
code badge pypi badge conda badge seaborn-image High-level API for drawing informative and attractive images.
code badge pypi badge conda badge sunpy Solar physics processing, plotting, and colormaps.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Yellowbrick Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine learning model selection.

Experimental projects that may be merged upstream eventually #

code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-gui Prototype for a pyplot alternative.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-qtthread Prototype for an approximately thread-safe Qt backend.

GUI applications #

code badge pypi badge Glue Easily linking visualizations of scientific datasets across many files.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Lumen Declarative YAML or GUI specification for apps/dashboards with Matplotlib and other plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-multitab Tabbed figure manager for Matplotlib using PyQt.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Pylustrator Interactive editor to style Matplotlib plots.
code badge pypi badge PyNanoLab PySide6 GUI for data analysis and visualisation with Matplotlib and Pandas.
code badge pypi badge conda badge PySimpleGUI Create custom GUIs quickly & easily on top of Tkinter, Qt, wxPython or Remi.
code badge pypi badge sview-gui PyQt5 GUI for data visualisation of CSV file or pandas DataFrames.

Interactivity #

code badge pypi badge kivy_matplotlib_widget Convert your matplotlib graph into full interactive graph.
code badge pypi badge mpl-draggable-line A Draggable line widget for Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge mpl-image-labeller Easily apply classification labels to images.
code badge pypi badge mpl-image-segmenter Manually segment images with Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-interactions Interactive widgets for responsive plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-point-clicker Record click locations on a figure. Supports multiple classes.
code badge mpl_widget_box GUI-neutral widgets for Matplotlib, with legend-like layout and more.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mplcursors Interactive data selection cursors.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpldatacursor Interactive data selection cursors.
code badge mplinorm Interactive contrast adjustment for Matplotlib images.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Panel Dashboards and web apps using Matplotlib and other figures.
code badge pypi badge Quibbler Effortlessly make your Matplotlib graphics interactive.

Mapping #

code badge pypi badge conda badge cartopy Produce maps and other geospatial data analyses.
code badge pypi badge conda badge EOmaps A library to create interactive maps of geographical datasets.
code badge pypi badge conda badge GeoPandas Pandas extended to support geographical data and algorithms.
code badge pypi badge conda badge geoplot High-level Python geospatial plotting library based on Cartopy.
code badge pypi badge conda badge GeoViews High-level geographic plotting built on Cartopy and Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mplsteronet Lower-hemisphere equal-area and equal-angle stereonets.
code badge pypi badge conda badge prettymaps Minimal Python library to draw customized maps from OpenStreetMap data.
code badge pypi badge ridge_map Library for making ridge plots of... ridges.

Miscellaneous #

code badge pypi badge conda badge matplotcheck A package designed to test Matplotlib plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge matplotx Useful styles and extensions for Matplotlib.

Plot types #

code badge pypi badge Blume Alternate table artist.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Datashader Server-side rendering of large datasets as Matplotlib figures.
code badge pypi badge conda badge matplotlib-venn Plotting area-weighted two- and three-circle Venn diagrams.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-scatter-density 2D histograms for large collections of point data.
code badge pypi badge mpl_chord_diagram Drawing chord diagrams with matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge mpl-sankey Sankey "alluvial" diagrams, with a data-centric API.
code badge pypi badge mpl_stereo See your data in 3D by making stereograms and anaglyphs.
code badge pypi badge conda badge plottable Beautifully customized tables with Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge PyUpSet UpSet suite of visualization methods.
code badge pypi badge S3Dlib 3D surface and line object classes.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Windrose Create windrose plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge yt Package for analyzing and visualizing volumetric data.

Plotting utilities #

code badge pypi badge conda badge adjustText Draw many text artists so that they do not overlap.
code badge pypi badge conda badge brokenaxes Plots with breaks in the axes.
code badge pypi badge conda badge FigPager Save plots with single or multiple pages.
code badge pypi badge conda badge Flexitext Draw text with multiple styles in Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge grid-strategy Create a grid of subplots based on the number of axes to be plotted.
code badge pypi badge conda badge HighlightText Make effective annotations easier in Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge legendkit Legend made easy for matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge matplotlib-label-lines Label line using matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge matplotlib-scalebar Display a scale bar.
code badge pypi badge conda badge matplotview A library for creating lightweight views of Matplotlib axes.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-probscale Real probability scales for Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge mpl-template Templating engine for consistent plots.
code badge pypi badge conda badge MPL Table Create custom table using Matplotlib.
code badge pypi badge conda badge patchworklib A subplot manager for intuitive layouts.
code badge pypi badge conda badge ProPlot A lightweight Matplotlib wrapper for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics.
code badge pypi badge conda badge skunk Insert SVG images into Matplotlib elements. Can be used to also compose Matplotlib plots by nesting them.
code badge pypi badge conda badge svgpath2mpl Parse SVG paths into Matplotlib Path objects for plotting.
code badge pypi badge conda badge tikzplotlib Save figures as TikZ/PGFplots.

Rendering backends #

code badge pypi badge gr Graphic kernel system backend.
code badge pypi badge mplcairo Improved backend for cairo.
code badge pypi badge conda badge wxmplot Tighter integration with wxPython.