********************* ``matplotlib.colors`` ********************* .. note:: The Color :ref:`tutorials ` and :ref:`examples ` demonstrate how to set colors and colormaps. You may want to read those instead. .. currentmodule:: matplotlib.colors .. automodule:: matplotlib.colors :no-members: :no-inherited-members: Color norms ----------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _as_gen/ :template: autosummary.rst Normalize NoNorm AsinhNorm BoundaryNorm CenteredNorm FuncNorm LogNorm PowerNorm SymLogNorm TwoSlopeNorm Colormaps --------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _as_gen/ :template: autosummary.rst Colormap LinearSegmentedColormap ListedColormap Other classes ------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _as_gen/ :template: autosummary.rst ColorSequenceRegistry LightSource Functions --------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _as_gen/ :template: autosummary.rst from_levels_and_colors hsv_to_rgb rgb_to_hsv to_hex to_rgb to_rgba to_rgba_array is_color_like same_color get_named_colors_mapping make_norm_from_scale Exported colors --------------- The data used to populate the :doc:`/gallery/color/named_colors` are exposed as dictionaries that map color names to hex strings. .. py:data:: BASE_COLORS .. py:data:: TABLEAU_COLORS .. py:data:: CSS4_COLORS .. py:data:: XKCD_COLORS