Source code for mpl_gui._promotion

"""State and logic to promote a Figure -> a GUI window."""

import threading
import itertools

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import is_interactive
from matplotlib.cbook import _api
from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase
from ._manage_backend import current_backend_module

_figure_count = itertools.count()

def _auto_draw_if_interactive(fig, val):
    An internal helper function for making sure that auto-redrawing
    works as intended in the plain python repl.

    fig : Figure
        A figure object which is assumed to be associated with a canvas
    if (
        and is_interactive()
        and not fig.canvas.is_saving()
        and not fig.canvas._is_idle_drawing
        # Some artists can mark themselves as stale in the middle of drawing
        # (e.g. axes position & tick labels being computed at draw time), but
        # this shouldn't trigger a redraw because the current redraw will
        # already take them into account.
        with fig.canvas._idle_draw_cntx():

[docs]def promote_figure(fig, *, auto_draw=True): """Create a new figure manager instance.""" _backend_mod = current_backend_module() if ( getattr(_backend_mod.FigureCanvas, "required_interactive_framework", None) and threading.current_thread() is not threading.main_thread() ): _api.warn_external( "Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail." ) if fig.canvas.manager is not None: if not isinstance(fig.canvas.manager, _backend_mod.FigureManager): raise Exception("Figure already has a manager an it is the wrong type!") else: # TODO is this the right behavior? return fig.canvas.manager # TODO: do we want to make sure we poison / destroy / decouple the existing # canavs? manager = _backend_mod.new_figure_manager_given_figure(next(_figure_count), fig) if fig.get_label(): manager.set_window_title(fig.get_label()) if auto_draw: fig.stale_callback = _auto_draw_if_interactive if is_interactive(): fig.canvas.draw_idle() # HACK: the callback in backend_bases uses GCF.destroy which misses these # figures by design! def _destroy(event): if event.key in mpl.rcParams["keymap.quit"]: # grab the manager off the event mgr = event.canvas.manager if mgr is None: raise RuntimeError("Should never be here, please report a bug") fig = event.canvas.figure # remove this callback. Callbacks lives on the Figure so survive # the canvas being replaced. old_cid = getattr(mgr, "_destroy_cid", None) if old_cid is not None: fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(old_cid) mgr._destroy_cid = None # close the window mgr.destroy() # disconnect the manager from the canvas fig.canvas.manager = None # reset the dpi fig.dpi = getattr(fig, "_original_dpi", fig.dpi) # Go back to "base" canvas # (this sets state on fig in the canvas init) FigureCanvasBase(fig) manager._destroy_cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", _destroy) return manager