.. _github-stats-3-4-1: GitHub statistics for 3.4.1 (Mar 31, 2021) ========================================== GitHub statistics for 2021/03/26 (tag: v3.4.0) - 2021/03/31 These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. We closed 7 issues and merged 20 pull requests. The full list can be seen `on GitHub `__ The following 6 authors contributed 43 commits. * Antony Lee * Elliott Sales de Andrade * Jody Klymak * Thomas A Caswell * Tim Hoffmann * Xianxiang Li GitHub issues and pull requests: Pull Requests (20): * :ghpull:`19834`: Backport PR #19812: FIX: size and color rendering for Path3DCollection * :ghpull:`19833`: Backport PR #19811 on branch v3.4.x (Fix Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows.) * :ghpull:`19812`: FIX: size and color rendering for Path3DCollection * :ghpull:`19811`: Fix Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows. * :ghpull:`19816`: Fix legend of colour-mapped scatter plots. * :ghpull:`19830`: Backport PR #19824 on branch v3.4.x (Access pdf annotations while inside pikepdf.Pdf context manager.) * :ghpull:`19829`: Backport PR #19822 on branch v3.4.x (Clarify default backend selection doc.) * :ghpull:`19827`: Backport PR #19805 on branch v3.4.x (Fix suptitle out of layout) * :ghpull:`19824`: Access pdf annotations while inside pikepdf.Pdf context manager. * :ghpull:`19805`: Fix suptitle out of layout * :ghpull:`19823`: Backport PR #19814 on branch v3.4.x (Fix positioning of annotation arrow.) * :ghpull:`19820`: Backport PR #19817 on branch v3.4.x (Fix antialiasing with old pycairo/cairocffi.) * :ghpull:`19814`: Fix positioning of annotation arrow. * :ghpull:`19817`: Fix antialiasing with old pycairo/cairocffi. * :ghpull:`19818`: Backport PR #19784 on branch v3.4.x (FIX errorbar problem with fillstyle) * :ghpull:`19784`: FIX errorbar problem with fillstyle * :ghpull:`19815`: Backport PR #19793 on branch v3.4.x (Fix non existent URIs) * :ghpull:`19793`: Fix non existent URIs * :ghpull:`19783`: Backport PR #19719 on branch v3.4.x (Respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well.) * :ghpull:`19719`: Respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well. Issues (7): * :ghissue:`19779`: BUG: matplotlib 3.4.0 -- Scatter with colormap and legend gives TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len() * :ghissue:`19787`: Marker sizes in Axes3D scatter plot are changing all the time * :ghissue:`19809`: Tests that use "image_comparison" fail to cleanup on Windows * :ghissue:`19803`: Suptitle positioning messed up in 3.4.0 * :ghissue:`19785`: Starting point of annotation arrows has changed in 3.4.0 * :ghissue:`19776`: Errorbars with yerr fail when fillstyle is specified * :ghissue:`19780`: redirect_from extension breaks latex build