Changes for 0.90.1 ================== .. code-block:: text The file has a (very limited and fragile) dvi reader for usetex support. The API might change in the future so don't depend on it yet. Removed deprecated support for a float value as a gray-scale; now it must be a string, like '0.5'. Added alpha kwarg to ColorConverter.to_rgba_list. New method set_bounds(vmin, vmax) for formatters, locators sets the viewInterval and dataInterval from floats. Removed deprecated colorbar_classic. Line2D.get_xdata and get_ydata valid_only=False kwarg is replaced by orig=True. When True, it returns the original data, otherwise the processed data (masked, converted) Some modifications to the units interface. units.ConversionInterface.tickers renamed to units.ConversionInterface.axisinfo and it now returns a units.AxisInfo object rather than a tuple. This will make it easier to add axis info functionality (e.g., I added a default label on this iteration) w/o having to change the tuple length and hence the API of the client code every time new functionality is added. Also, units.ConversionInterface.convert_to_value is now simply named units.ConversionInterface.convert. Axes.errorbar uses Axes.vlines and Axes.hlines to draw its error limits int he vertical and horizontal direction. As you'll see in the changes below, these functions now return a LineCollection rather than a list of lines. The new return signature for errorbar is ylins, caplines, errorcollections where errorcollections is a xerrcollection, yerrcollection Axes.vlines and Axes.hlines now create and returns a LineCollection, not a list of lines. This is much faster. The kwarg signature has changed, so consult the docs MaxNLocator accepts a new Boolean kwarg ('integer') to force ticks to integer locations. Commands that pass an argument to the Text constructor or to Text.set_text() now accept any object that can be converted with '%s'. This affects xlabel(), title(), etc. Barh now takes a **kwargs dict instead of most of the old arguments. This helps ensure that bar and barh are kept in sync, but as a side effect you can no longer pass e.g., color as a positional argument. ft2font.get_charmap() now returns a dict that maps character codes to glyph indices (until now it was reversed) Moved data files into lib/matplotlib so that setuptools' develop mode works. Re-organized the mpl-data layout so that this source structure is maintained in the installation. (i.e., the 'fonts' and 'images' sub-directories are maintained in site-packages.). Suggest removing site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data and ~/.matplotlib/ttffont.cache before installing