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Filled polygon¶
draws a filled polygon based based on lists of point
coordinates x, y.
This example uses the Koch snowflake as an example polygon.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def koch_snowflake(order, scale=10):
Return two lists x, y of point coordinates of the Koch snowflake.
order : int
The recursion depth.
scale : float
The extent of the snowflake (edge length of the base triangle).
def _koch_snowflake_complex(order):
if order == 0:
# initial triangle
angles = np.array([0, 120, 240]) + 90
return scale / np.sqrt(3) * np.exp(np.deg2rad(angles) * 1j)
ZR = 0.5 - 0.5j * np.sqrt(3) / 3
p1 = _koch_snowflake_complex(order - 1) # start points
p2 = np.roll(p1, shift=-1) # end points
dp = p2 - p1 # connection vectors
new_points = np.empty(len(p1) * 4, dtype=np.complex128)
new_points[::4] = p1
new_points[1::4] = p1 + dp / 3
new_points[2::4] = p1 + dp * ZR
new_points[3::4] = p1 + dp / 3 * 2
return new_points
points = _koch_snowflake_complex(order)
x, y = points.real, points.imag
return x, y
Basic usage:
Use keyword arguments facecolor and edgecolor to modify the the colors of the polygon. Since the linewidth of the edge is 0 in the default Matplotlib style, we have to set it as well for the edge to become visible.
The use of the following functions, methods, classes and modules is shown in this example:
<function axis at 0x7fcc162e6ca0>
Keywords: matplotlib code example, codex, python plot, pyplot Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery