.. _github-stats-3-2-1: GitHub Stats ============ GitHub stats for 2020/03/03 - 2020/03/17 (tag: v3.2.0) These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. We closed 11 issues and merged 52 pull requests. The full list can be seen `on GitHub `__ and `on GitHub `__ The following 12 authors contributed 154 commits. * Amy Roberts * Antony Lee * Elliott Sales de Andrade * hannah * Hugo van Kemenade * Jody Klymak * Kyle Sunden * MarcoGorelli * Maximilian Nöthe * Sandro Tosi * Thomas A Caswell * Tim Hoffmann GitHub issues and pull requests: Pull Requests (52): * :ghpull:`15199`: MNT/TST: generalize check_figures_equal to work with pytest.marks * :ghpull:`15685`: Avoid a RuntimeError at animation shutdown with PySide2. * :ghpull:`15969`: Restart pgf's latex instance after bad latex inputs. * :ghpull:`16640`: ci: Fix Azure on v3.2.x * :ghpull:`16648`: Document filling of Poly3DCollection * :ghpull:`16649`: Fix typo in docs * :ghpull:`16650`: Backport PR #16649 on branch v3.2.x (Fix typo in docs) * :ghpull:`16651`: Docs: Change Python 2 note to past tense * :ghpull:`16654`: Backport PR #16651 on branch v3.2.0-doc (Docs: Change Python 2 note to past tense) * :ghpull:`16656`: Make test_imagegrid_cbar_mode_edge less flaky. * :ghpull:`16661`: added Framework :: Matplotlib to setup * :ghpull:`16665`: Backport PR #16661 on branch v3.2.x (added Framework :: Matplotlib to setup) * :ghpull:`16671`: Fix some readme bits * :ghpull:`16672`: Update CircleCI and add direct artifact link * :ghpull:`16682`: Avoid floating point rounding causing bezier.get_parallels to fail * :ghpull:`16690`: Backport PR #16682 on branch v3.2.x (Avoid floating point rounding causing bezier.get_parallels to fail) * :ghpull:`16693`: TST: use pytest name in naming files for check_figures_equal * :ghpull:`16695`: Restart pgf's latex instance after bad latex inputs. * :ghpull:`16705`: Backport PR #16656 on branch v3.2.x (Make test_imagegrid_cbar_mode_edge less flaky.) * :ghpull:`16708`: Backport PR #16671: Fix some readme bits * :ghpull:`16709`: Fix saving PNGs to file objects in some places * :ghpull:`16722`: Deprecate rcParams["datapath"] in favor of mpl.get_data_path(). * :ghpull:`16725`: TST/CI: also try to run test_user_fonts_win32 on azure * :ghpull:`16734`: Disable draw_foo methods on renderer used to estimate tight extents. * :ghpull:`16735`: Make test_stem less flaky. * :ghpull:`16736`: xpdf: Set AutoRotatePages to None, not false. * :ghpull:`16742`: nbagg: Don't send events if manager is disconnected. * :ghpull:`16745`: Allow numbers to set uvc for all arrows in quiver.set_UVC, fixes #16743 * :ghpull:`16751`: Backport PR #16742 on branch v3.2.x (nbagg: Don't send events if manager is disconnected.) * :ghpull:`16752`: ci: Disallow pytest 5.4.0, which is crashing. * :ghpull:`16753`: Backport #16752 to v3.2.x * :ghpull:`16760`: Backport PR #16735 on branch v3.2.x (Make test_stem less flaky.) * :ghpull:`16761`: Backport PR #16745 on branch v3.2.x (Allow numbers to set uvc for all arrows in quiver.set_UVC, fixes #16743) * :ghpull:`16763`: Backport PR #16648 on branch v3.2.x (Document filling of Poly3DCollection) * :ghpull:`16764`: Backport PR #16672 on branch v3.2.0-doc * :ghpull:`16765`: Backport PR #16736 on branch v3.2.x (xpdf: Set AutoRotatePages to None, not false.) * :ghpull:`16766`: Backport PR #16734 on branch v3.2.x (Disable draw_foo methods on renderer used to estimate tight extents.) * :ghpull:`16767`: Backport PR #15685 on branch v3.2.x (Avoid a RuntimeError at animation shutdown with PySide2.) * :ghpull:`16768`: Backport PR #16725 on branch v3.2.x (TST/CI: also try to run test_user_fonts_win32 on azure) * :ghpull:`16770`: Fix tuple markers * :ghpull:`16779`: Documentation: make instructions for documentation contributions easier to find, add to requirements for building docs * :ghpull:`16784`: Update CircleCI URL for downloading humor-sans.ttf. * :ghpull:`16790`: Backport PR #16784 on branch v3.2.x (Update CircleCI URL for downloading humor-sans.ttf.) * :ghpull:`16791`: Backport PR #16770 on branch v3.2.x (Fix tuple markers) * :ghpull:`16794`: DOC: Don't mention drawstyle in ``set_linestyle`` docs. * :ghpull:`16795`: Backport PR #15199 on branch v3.2.x (MNT/TST: generalize check_figures_equal to work with pytest.marks) * :ghpull:`16797`: Backport #15589 and #16693, fixes for check_figures_equal * :ghpull:`16799`: Backport PR #16794 on branch v3.2.0-doc (DOC: Don't mention drawstyle in ``set_linestyle`` docs.) * :ghpull:`16800`: Fix check_figures_equal for tests that use its fixtures. * :ghpull:`16803`: Fix some doc issues * :ghpull:`16806`: Backport PR #16803 on branch v3.2.0-doc (Fix some doc issues) * :ghpull:`16809`: Backport PR #16779 on branch v3.2.0-doc (Documentation: make instructions for documentation contributions easier to find, add to requirements for building docs) Issues (11): * :ghissue:`12820`: [Annotations] ValueError: lines do not intersect when computing tight bounding box containing arrow with filled paths * :ghissue:`16538`: xpdf distiller seems broken * :ghissue:`16624`: Azure pipelines are broken on v3.2.x * :ghissue:`16633`: Wrong drawing Poly3DCollection * :ghissue:`16645`: Minor typo in API document of patches.ConnectionPatch * :ghissue:`16670`: BLD: ascii codec decode on 3.2.0 in non-UTF8 locales * :ghissue:`16704`: 3.2.0: ``setup.py clean`` fails with ``NameError: name 'long_description' is not defined`` * :ghissue:`16721`: nbAgg backend does not allow saving figures as png * :ghissue:`16731`: PGF backend + savefig.bbox results in I/O error in 3.2 * :ghissue:`16743`: Breaking change in 3.2: quiver.set_UVC does not support single numbers any more * :ghissue:`16801`: Doc: figure for colormaps off