
A PostScript backend, which can produce both PostScript .ps and .eps.


alias of matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.FigureCanvasPS

class matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.FigureCanvasPS(figure)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase


Render the Figure.

filetypes = {'eps': 'Encapsulated Postscript', 'ps': 'Postscript'}
fixed_dpi = 72

Get the default savefig file format as specified in rcParam savefig.format. Returned string excludes period. Overridden in backends that only support a single file type.

print_eps(self, outfile, \*args, \*\*kwargs)[source]
print_ps(self, outfile, \*args, \*\*kwargs)[source]
class matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.GraphicsContextPS[source]

Bases: matplotlib.backend_bases.GraphicsContextBase


Return the capstyle as a string in ('butt', 'round', 'projecting').


Return the line join style as one of ('miter', 'round', 'bevel').




Deprecated since version 3.1:

class matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.PsBackendHelper[source]

Bases: object

property gs_exe
property gs_version
property supports_ps2write
class matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.RendererPS(width, height, pswriter, imagedpi=72)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.backends._backend_pdf_ps.RendererPDFPSBase

The renderer handles all the drawing primitives using a graphics context instance that controls the colors/styles.

property afmfontd



Deprecated since version 3.1:

create_hatch(self, hatch)[source]
draw_gouraud_triangle(self, gc, points, colors, trans)[source]

Draw a Gouraud-shaded triangle.

pointsarray-like, shape=(3, 2)

Array of (x, y) points for the triangle.

colorsarray-like, shape=(3, 4)

RGBA colors for each point of the triangle.


An affine transform to apply to the points.

draw_gouraud_triangles(self, gc, points, colors, trans)[source]

Draw a series of Gouraud triangles.

pointsarray-like, shape=(N, 3, 2)

Array of N (x, y) points for the triangles.

colorsarray-like, shape=(N, 3, 4)

Array of N RGBA colors for each point of the triangles.


An affine transform to apply to the points.

draw_image(self, gc, x, y, im, transform=None)[source]

Draw an RGBA image.


A graphics context with clipping information.


The distance in physical units (i.e., dots or pixels) from the left hand side of the canvas.


The distance in physical units (i.e., dots or pixels) from the bottom side of the canvas.

imarray-like, shape=(N, M, 4), dtype=np.uint8

An array of RGBA pixels.


If and only if the concrete backend is written such that option_scale_image() returns True, an affine transformation may be passed to draw_image(). It takes the form of a Affine2DBase instance. The translation vector of the transformation is given in physical units (i.e., dots or pixels). Note that the transformation does not override x and y, and has to be applied before translating the result by x and y (this can be accomplished by adding x and y to the translation vector defined by transform).

draw_markers(self, gc, marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, rgbFace=None)[source]

Draw a marker at each of the vertices in path.

This includes all vertices, including control points on curves. To avoid that behavior, those vertices should be removed before calling this function.

This provides a fallback implementation of draw_markers that makes multiple calls to draw_path(). Some backends may want to override this method in order to draw the marker only once and reuse it multiple times.


The graphics context.


An affine transform applied to the marker.


An affine transform applied to the path.

draw_mathtext(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle)[source]

Draw the math text using matplotlib.mathtext.

draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None)[source]

Draw a Path instance using the given affine transform.

draw_path_collection(self, gc, master_transform, paths, all_transforms, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls, offset_position)[source]

Draw a collection of paths selecting drawing properties from the lists facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles and antialiaseds. offsets is a list of offsets to apply to each of the paths. The offsets in offsets are first transformed by offsetTrans before being applied. offset_position may be either "screen" or "data" depending on the space that the offsets are in.

This provides a fallback implementation of draw_path_collection() that makes multiple calls to draw_path(). Some backends may want to override this in order to render each set of path data only once, and then reference that path multiple times with the different offsets, colors, styles etc. The generator methods _iter_collection_raw_paths() and _iter_collection() are provided to help with (and standardize) the implementation across backends. It is highly recommended to use those generators, so that changes to the behavior of draw_path_collection() can be made globally.

draw_tex(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath='TeX!', mtext=None)[source]
draw_text(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath=False, mtext=None)[source]

Draw the text instance.


The graphics context.


The x location of the text in display coords.


The y location of the text baseline in display coords.


The text string.


The font properties.


The rotation angle in degrees anti-clockwise.


The original text object to be rendered.


Note for backend implementers:

When you are trying to determine if you have gotten your bounding box right (which is what enables the text layout/alignment to work properly), it helps to change the line in

if 0: bbox_artist(self, renderer)

to if 1, and then the actual bounding box will be plotted along with your text.


Get the factor by which to magnify images passed to draw_image. Allows a backend to have images at a different resolution to other artists.

merge_used_characters(self, other)[source]

Return an instance of a GraphicsContextBase.

set_color(self, r, g, b, store=1)[source]
set_font(self, fontname, fontsize, store=1)[source]
set_linecap(self, linecap, store=1)[source]
set_linedash(self, offset, seq, store=1)[source]
set_linejoin(self, linejoin, store=1)[source]
set_linewidth(self, linewidth, store=1)[source]
track_characters(self, font, s)[source]

Keeps track of which characters are required from each font.

matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.convert_psfrags(tmpfile, psfrags, font_preamble, custom_preamble, paper_width, paper_height, orientation)[source]

When we want to use the LaTeX backend with postscript, we write PSFrag tags to a temporary postscript file, each one marking a position for LaTeX to render some text. convert_psfrags generates a LaTeX document containing the commands to convert those tags to text. LaTeX/dvips produces the postscript file that includes the actual text.

matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.get_bbox_header(lbrt, rotated=False)[source]

return a postscript header string for the given bbox lbrt=(l, b, r, t). Optionally, return rotate command.

matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.gs_distill(tmpfile, eps=False, ptype='letter', bbox=None, rotated=False)[source]

Use ghostscript's pswrite or epswrite device to distill a file. This yields smaller files without illegal encapsulated postscript operators. The output is low-level, converting text to outlines.

matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.pstoeps(tmpfile, bbox=None, rotated=False)[source]

Convert the postscript to encapsulated postscript. The bbox of the eps file will be replaced with the given bbox argument. If None, original bbox will be used.


Quote dangerous characters of S for use in a PostScript string constant.

matplotlib.backends.backend_ps.xpdf_distill(tmpfile, eps=False, ptype='letter', bbox=None, rotated=False)[source]

Use ghostscript's ps2pdf and xpdf's/poppler's pdftops to distill a file. This yields smaller files without illegal encapsulated postscript operators. This distiller is preferred, generating high-level postscript output that treats text as text.