(*args, axis_direction='bottom', axis=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Axis Label. Derived from Text. The position of the text is updated in the fly, so changing text position has no effect. Otherwise, the properties can be changed as a normal Text.
To change the pad between ticklabels and axis label, use set_pad.
Deprecated since version 3.2:
(self)[source]¶ Return the underlying artist that actually defines some properties (e.g., color) of this artist.
(self, renderer)[source]¶ Return the
bounding the text, in display units.In addition to being used internally, this is useful for specifying clickable regions in a png file on a web page.
Parameters: - rendererRenderer, optional
A renderer is needed to compute the bounding box. If the artist has already been drawn, the renderer is cached; thus, it is only necessary to pass this argument when calling
before the firstdraw
. In practice, it is usually easier to trigger a draw first (e.g. by saving the figure).- dpifloat, optional
The dpi value for computing the bbox, defaults to
(not the renderer dpi); should be set e.g. if to match regions with a figure saved with a custom dpi value.
(self, d)[source]¶ Adjust the text angle and text alignment of axis label according to the matplotlib convention.
property left bottom right top axislabel angle 180 0 0 180 axislabel va center top center bottom axislabel ha right center right center Note that the text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom axis.