Changes for 0.91.0 ================== * Changed :func:`cbook.is_file_like` to :func:`cbook.is_writable_file_like` and corrected behavior. * Added ax kwarg to :func:`pyplot.colorbar` and :meth:`Figure.colorbar` so that one can specify the axes object from which space for the colorbar is to be taken, if one does not want to make the colorbar axes manually. * Changed :func:`cbook.reversed` so it yields a tuple rather than a (index, tuple). This agrees with the python reversed builtin, and cbook only defines reversed if python doesn't provide the builtin. * Made skiprows=1 the default on :func:`csv2rec` * The gd and paint backends have been deleted. * The errorbar method and function now accept additional kwargs so that upper and lower limits can be indicated by capping the bar with a caret instead of a straight line segment. * The :mod:`matplotlib.dviread` file now has a parser for files like and, to map TeX font names to external files. * The file :mod:`matplotlib.type1font` contains a new class for Type 1 fonts. Currently it simply reads pfa and pfb format files and stores the data in a way that is suitable for embedding in pdf files. In the future the class might actually parse the font to allow e.g., subsetting. * :mod:`matplotlib.FT2Font` now supports :meth:`FT_Attach_File`. In practice this can be used to read an afm file in addition to a pfa/pfb file, to get metrics and kerning information for a Type 1 font. * The :class:`AFM` class now supports querying CapHeight and stem widths. The get_name_char method now has an isord kwarg like get_width_char. * Changed :func:`pcolor` default to shading='flat'; but as noted now in the docstring, it is preferable to simply use the edgecolor kwarg. * The mathtext font commands (``\cal``, ``\rm``, ``\it``, ``\tt``) now behave as TeX does: they are in effect until the next font change command or the end of the grouping. Therefore uses of ``$\cal{R}$`` should be changed to ``${\cal R}$``. Alternatively, you may use the new LaTeX-style font commands (``\mathcal``, ``\mathrm``, ``\mathit``, ``\mathtt``) which do affect the following group, e.g., ``$\mathcal{R}$``. * Text creation commands have a new default linespacing and a new ``linespacing`` kwarg, which is a multiple of the maximum vertical extent of a line of ordinary text. The default is 1.2; ``linespacing=2`` would be like ordinary double spacing, for example. * Changed default kwarg in :meth:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize.__init__`` to ``clip=False``; clipping silently defeats the purpose of the special over, under, and bad values in the colormap, thereby leading to unexpected behavior. The new default should reduce such surprises. * Made the emit property of :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim` and :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylim` ``True`` by default; removed the Axes custom callback handling into a 'callbacks' attribute which is a :class:`~matplotlib.cbook.CallbackRegistry` instance. This now supports the 'xlim_changed' and 'ylim_changed' Axes events.