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Source code for mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.parasite_axes

import functools

from matplotlib import (
    artist as martist, collections as mcoll, transforms as mtransforms,
from matplotlib.axes import subplot_class_factory
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
from .mpl_axes import Axes

import numpy as np

[docs]class ParasiteAxesBase:
[docs] def get_images_artists(self): artists = {a for a in self.get_children() if a.get_visible()} images = {a for a in self.images if a.get_visible()} return list(images), list(artists - images)
def __init__(self, parent_axes, **kwargs): self._parent_axes = parent_axes kwargs["frameon"] = False super().__init__(parent_axes.figure, parent_axes._position, **kwargs)
[docs] def cla(self): super().cla() martist.setp(self.get_children(), visible=False) self._get_lines = self._parent_axes._get_lines # In mpl's Axes, zorders of x- and y-axis are originally set # within Axes.draw(). if self._axisbelow: self.xaxis.set_zorder(0.5) self.yaxis.set_zorder(0.5) else: self.xaxis.set_zorder(2.5) self.yaxis.set_zorder(2.5)
@functools.lru_cache(None) def parasite_axes_class_factory(axes_class=None): if axes_class is None: axes_class = Axes return type("%sParasite" % axes_class.__name__, (ParasiteAxesBase, axes_class), {}) ParasiteAxes = parasite_axes_class_factory()
[docs]class ParasiteAxesAuxTransBase: def __init__(self, parent_axes, aux_transform, viewlim_mode=None, **kwargs): self.transAux = aux_transform self.set_viewlim_mode(viewlim_mode) super().__init__(parent_axes, **kwargs) def _set_lim_and_transforms(self): self.transAxes = self._parent_axes.transAxes self.transData = \ self.transAux + \ self._parent_axes.transData self._xaxis_transform = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transData, self.transAxes) self._yaxis_transform = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.transData)
[docs] def set_viewlim_mode(self, mode): if mode not in [None, "equal", "transform"]: raise ValueError("Unknown mode: %s" % (mode,)) else: self._viewlim_mode = mode
[docs] def get_viewlim_mode(self): return self._viewlim_mode
[docs] def update_viewlim(self): viewlim = self._parent_axes.viewLim.frozen() mode = self.get_viewlim_mode() if mode is None: pass elif mode == "equal": self.axes.viewLim.set(viewlim) elif mode == "transform": self.axes.viewLim.set( viewlim.transformed(self.transAux.inverted())) else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode: %s" % (self._viewlim_mode,))
def _pcolor(self, super_pcolor, *XYC, **kwargs): if len(XYC) == 1: C = XYC[0] ny, nx = C.shape gx = np.arange(-0.5, nx) gy = np.arange(-0.5, ny) X, Y = np.meshgrid(gx, gy) else: X, Y, C = XYC if "transform" in kwargs: mesh = super_pcolor(X, Y, C, **kwargs) else: orig_shape = X.shape xyt = np.column_stack([X.flat, Y.flat]) wxy = self.transAux.transform(xyt) gx = wxy[:, 0].reshape(orig_shape) gy = wxy[:, 1].reshape(orig_shape) mesh = super_pcolor(gx, gy, C, **kwargs) mesh.set_transform(self._parent_axes.transData) return mesh
[docs] def pcolormesh(self, *XYC, **kwargs): return self._pcolor(super().pcolormesh, *XYC, **kwargs)
[docs] def pcolor(self, *XYC, **kwargs): return self._pcolor(super().pcolor, *XYC, **kwargs)
def _contour(self, super_contour, *XYCL, **kwargs): if len(XYCL) <= 2: C = XYCL[0] ny, nx = C.shape gx = np.arange(0., nx) gy = np.arange(0., ny) X, Y = np.meshgrid(gx, gy) CL = XYCL else: X, Y = XYCL[:2] CL = XYCL[2:] if "transform" in kwargs: cont = super_contour(X, Y, *CL, **kwargs) else: orig_shape = X.shape xyt = np.column_stack([X.flat, Y.flat]) wxy = self.transAux.transform(xyt) gx = wxy[:, 0].reshape(orig_shape) gy = wxy[:, 1].reshape(orig_shape) cont = super_contour(gx, gy, *CL, **kwargs) for c in cont.collections: c.set_transform(self._parent_axes.transData) return cont
[docs] def contour(self, *XYCL, **kwargs): return self._contour(super().contour, *XYCL, **kwargs)
[docs] def contourf(self, *XYCL, **kwargs): return self._contour(super().contourf, *XYCL, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_aspect(self, position=None): self.update_viewlim() super().apply_aspect()
@functools.lru_cache(None) def parasite_axes_auxtrans_class_factory(axes_class=None): if axes_class is None: parasite_axes_class = ParasiteAxes elif not issubclass(axes_class, ParasiteAxesBase): parasite_axes_class = parasite_axes_class_factory(axes_class) else: parasite_axes_class = axes_class return type("%sParasiteAuxTrans" % parasite_axes_class.__name__, (ParasiteAxesAuxTransBase, parasite_axes_class), {'name': 'parasite_axes'}) ParasiteAxesAuxTrans = parasite_axes_auxtrans_class_factory( axes_class=ParasiteAxes)
[docs]class HostAxesBase: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.parasites = [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_aux_axes(self, tr, viewlim_mode="equal", axes_class=None): parasite_axes_class = parasite_axes_auxtrans_class_factory(axes_class) ax2 = parasite_axes_class(self, tr, viewlim_mode) # note that ax2.transData == tr + ax1.transData # Anthing you draw in ax2 will match the ticks and grids of ax1. self.parasites.append(ax2) ax2._remove_method = self.parasites.remove return ax2
def _get_legend_handles(self, legend_handler_map=None): all_handles = super()._get_legend_handles() for ax in self.parasites: all_handles.extend(ax._get_legend_handles(legend_handler_map)) return all_handles
[docs] def draw(self, renderer): orig_artists = list(self.artists) orig_images = list(self.images) if hasattr(self, "get_axes_locator"): locator = self.get_axes_locator() if locator: pos = locator(self, renderer) self.set_position(pos, which="active") self.apply_aspect(pos) else: self.apply_aspect() else: self.apply_aspect() rect = self.get_position() for ax in self.parasites: ax.apply_aspect(rect) images, artists = ax.get_images_artists() self.images.extend(images) self.artists.extend(artists) super().draw(renderer) self.artists = orig_artists self.images = orig_images
[docs] def cla(self): for ax in self.parasites: ax.cla() super().cla()
[docs] def twinx(self, axes_class=None): """ create a twin of Axes for generating a plot with a sharex x-axis but independent y axis. The y-axis of self will have ticks on left and the returned axes will have ticks on the right """ if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._get_base_axes() parasite_axes_class = parasite_axes_class_factory(axes_class) ax2 = parasite_axes_class(self, sharex=self, frameon=False) self.parasites.append(ax2) ax2._remove_method = self._remove_twinx self.axis["right"].set_visible(False) ax2.axis["right"].set_visible(True) ax2.axis["left", "top", "bottom"].set_visible(False) return ax2
def _remove_twinx(self, ax): self.parasites.remove(ax) self.axis["right"].set_visible(True) self.axis["right"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False)
[docs] def twiny(self, axes_class=None): """ create a twin of Axes for generating a plot with a shared y-axis but independent x axis. The x-axis of self will have ticks on bottom and the returned axes will have ticks on the top """ if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._get_base_axes() parasite_axes_class = parasite_axes_class_factory(axes_class) ax2 = parasite_axes_class(self, sharey=self, frameon=False) self.parasites.append(ax2) ax2._remove_method = self._remove_twiny self.axis["top"].set_visible(False) ax2.axis["top"].set_visible(True) ax2.axis["left", "right", "bottom"].set_visible(False) return ax2
def _remove_twiny(self, ax): self.parasites.remove(ax) self.axis["top"].set_visible(True) self.axis["top"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False)
[docs] def twin(self, aux_trans=None, axes_class=None): """ create a twin of Axes for generating a plot with a sharex x-axis but independent y axis. The y-axis of self will have ticks on left and the returned axes will have ticks on the right """ if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._get_base_axes() parasite_axes_auxtrans_class = \ parasite_axes_auxtrans_class_factory(axes_class) if aux_trans is None: ax2 = parasite_axes_auxtrans_class( self, mtransforms.IdentityTransform(), viewlim_mode="equal") else: ax2 = parasite_axes_auxtrans_class( self, aux_trans, viewlim_mode="transform") self.parasites.append(ax2) ax2._remove_method = self.parasites.remove self.axis["top", "right"].set_visible(False) ax2.axis["top", "right"].set_visible(True) ax2.axis["left", "bottom"].set_visible(False) def _remove_method(h): self.parasites.remove(h) self.axis["top", "right"].set_visible(True) self.axis["top", "right"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False) ax2._remove_method = _remove_method return ax2
[docs] def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, call_axes_locator=True, bbox_extra_artists=None): bbs = [ax.get_tightbbox(renderer, call_axes_locator=call_axes_locator) for ax in self.parasites] bbs.append(super().get_tightbbox(renderer, call_axes_locator=call_axes_locator, bbox_extra_artists=bbox_extra_artists)) return Bbox.union([b for b in bbs if b.width != 0 or b.height != 0])
@functools.lru_cache(None) def host_axes_class_factory(axes_class=None): if axes_class is None: axes_class = Axes def _get_base_axes(self): return axes_class return type("%sHostAxes" % axes_class.__name__, (HostAxesBase, axes_class), {'_get_base_axes': _get_base_axes})
[docs]def host_subplot_class_factory(axes_class): host_axes_class = host_axes_class_factory(axes_class=axes_class) subplot_host_class = subplot_class_factory(host_axes_class) return subplot_host_class
HostAxes = host_axes_class_factory(axes_class=Axes) SubplotHost = subplot_class_factory(HostAxes)
[docs]def host_axes(*args, axes_class=None, figure=None, **kwargs): """ Create axes that can act as a hosts to parasitic axes. Parameters ---------- figure : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to which the axes will be added. Defaults to the current figure `pyplot.gcf()`. *args, **kwargs : Will be passed on to the underlying ``Axes`` object creation. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt host_axes_class = host_axes_class_factory(axes_class) if figure is None: figure = plt.gcf() ax = host_axes_class(figure, *args, **kwargs) figure.add_axes(ax) plt.draw_if_interactive() return ax
[docs]def host_subplot(*args, axes_class=None, figure=None, **kwargs): """ Create a subplot that can act as a host to parasitic axes. Parameters ---------- figure : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to which the subplot will be added. Defaults to the current figure `pyplot.gcf()`. *args, **kwargs : Will be passed on to the underlying ``Axes`` object creation. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt host_subplot_class = host_subplot_class_factory(axes_class) if figure is None: figure = plt.gcf() ax = host_subplot_class(figure, *args, **kwargs) figure.add_subplot(ax) plt.draw_if_interactive() return ax