(verts, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶A collection of 3D polygons.
Create a Poly3DCollection.
verts should contain 3D coordinates.
Keyword arguments: zsort, see set_zsort for options.
Note that this class does a bit of magic with the _facecolors and _edgecolors properties.
(alpha)[source]¶Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. alpha must be a float or None.
ACCEPTS: float or None
(colors)[source]¶Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.
If c is 'face', the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is 'none', the patch boundary will not be drawn.
ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs
(colors)¶Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.
If c is 'face', the edge color will always be the same as the face color. If it is 'none', the patch boundary will not be drawn.
ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs
(colors)[source]¶Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.
If c is 'none', the patch will not be filled.
ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs
(colors)¶Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. c can be a matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle through the sequence.
If c is 'none', the patch will not be filled.
ACCEPTS: matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs