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class matplotlib.animation.AbstractMovieWriter[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for writing movies. Fundamentally, what a MovieWriter does is provide is a way to grab frames by calling grab_frame().

setup() is called to start the process and finish() is called afterwards.

This class is set up to provide for writing movie frame data to a pipe. saving() is provided as a context manager to facilitate this process as:

with moviewriter.saving(fig, outfile='myfile.mp4', dpi=100):
    # Iterate over frames

The use of the context manager ensures that setup() and finish() are performed as necessary.

An instance of a concrete subclass of this class can be given as the writer argument of


Finish any processing for writing the movie.


Grab the image information from the figure and save as a movie frame.

All keyword arguments in savefig_kwargs are passed on to the savefig command that saves the figure.

saving(fig, outfile, dpi, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Context manager to facilitate writing the movie file.

*args, **kw are any parameters that should be passed to setup.

setup(fig, outfile, dpi=None)[source]

Perform setup for writing the movie file.

fig: `matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance

The figure object that contains the information for frames

outfile: string

The filename of the resulting movie file

dpi: int, optional

The DPI (or resolution) for the file. This controls the size in pixels of the resulting movie file. Default is fig.dpi.