.. _github-stats: GitHub Stats ============ GitHub stats for 2018/03/05 - 2018/08/09 (tag: v2.2.0) These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. We closed 27 issues and merged 101 pull requests. The full list can be seen `on GitHub `__ The following 28 authors contributed 347 commits. * 816-8055 * Andreas Gustafsson * Andrew Nelson * Antony Lee * Ben Root * Charles Ruan * dahlbaek * David Stansby * DietmarSchwertberger * Elizabeth Seiver * Elliott Sales de Andrade * Eric Firing * Federico Ariza * fredrik-1 * hannah * Importance of Being Ernest * ImportanceOfBeingErnest * Jens Hedegaard Nielsen * Jody Klymak * joelostblom * Jouni K. Seppänen * Michael Droettboom * Nelle Varoquaux * Paul Hobson * Paul Ivanov * Ryan May * Thomas A Caswell * Tim Hoffmann GitHub issues and pull requests: Pull Requests (101): * :ghpull:`11835`: Backport PR #11831 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11831`: animation api documentation changes * :ghpull:`11834`: Backport PR #11824 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11824`: facecolor stale missing * :ghpull:`11827`: FIX: correct macro logic in file_compat.h * :ghpull:`11817`: Merge pull request #11533 from tacaswell/update_for_py37 * :ghpull:`11533`: MNT: updates for python 3.7 * :ghpull:`11813`: Backport axes grid work * :ghpull:`11808`: updates error message to run pytest instead of tests.py standalone * :ghpull:`11812`: Final backports * :ghpull:`11811`: Backport: resolve conflict to get this into v2.2.3 * :ghpull:`9993`: Rewrite and greatly simplify qt_compat.py. * :ghpull:`11786`: Fix collections import warnings for Python 3.7 * :ghpull:`11733`: MAINT: use collections.abc for 3.7 * :ghpull:`11697`: Backport PR #11694 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11694`: moving toolmanager initialization up before toolbar * :ghpull:`11671`: refresh the github stats * :ghpull:`11669`: Fix invalid escape sequences on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11638`: Backport PR #11636 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11634`: Backport #11624 * :ghpull:`11636`: Don't flush file object opened for reading * :ghpull:`11624`: Don't use Popen(..., shell=True). * :ghpull:`11599`: Backport PR #11559 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11598`: Backport PR #10915 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11588`: DOC: warn if user is using constrained layout and use subplots_adjust * :ghpull:`11580`: Use plt.subplots() * :ghpull:`11574`: Backport PR #11565 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11565`: Update docstring of pyplot.matshow() * :ghpull:`11559`: FIX: Toolbar disappears in TkAgg if window if resized * :ghpull:`11567`: Backport PR #11500 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11500`: Fix shims with PyQt5 5.11 * :ghpull:`11060`: Fix inset_axes + doc * :ghpull:`11535`: Backport PR #11517 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11517`: Update legend loc default value in docstring * :ghpull:`11489`: Backport PR #11485 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11485`: Use null character instead of recasting NULL to char * :ghpull:`11419`: Backport PR #11409: plt.box_bug_fix * :ghpull:`11379`: Backport PR #11363 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11409`: plt.box_bug_fix * :ghpull:`11407`: Properly position markers in step plots. * :ghpull:`11330`: FIX: Don't let constrained_layout counter overflow * :ghpull:`11363`: Improve docstring of Axes.pcolorfast * :ghpull:`11354`: Backport PR #11344 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11344`: Improve docstring of Axes.pcolormesh * :ghpull:`11336`: Use raw string literals for docstrings with escapes * :ghpull:`11334`: Backport pull request #10858 * :ghpull:`11333`: Backport #10806 to v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11312`: Replace :ref:``sphx_glr_...`` by :doc:``/...``. * :ghpull:`11327`: Backport PR #11317 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11317`: Improve docstring of Axes.pcolor * :ghpull:`11262`: Use dummy_threading if threading not available * :ghpull:`11260`: Backport PR #11189 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11047`: FIX: image respect norm limits w/ None * :ghpull:`11173`: Define ``__repr__``, not ``__str__`` for transforms. * :ghpull:`11189`: FIX: remove recursive call to str in transform repr * :ghpull:`11184`: Manual backport #11035 * :ghpull:`11035`: FIX: constrained_layout and repeated calls to suptitle * :ghpull:`11171`: FIX: str method for SymmetricalLogTransform * :ghpull:`11162`: Backport PR #11161 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11161`: DOC: small-doc-improvements1 * :ghpull:`11079`: Resurrecting axes_grid1 documentation * :ghpull:`11105`: When drawing markers, don't set the GraphicsContext alpha. * :ghpull:`10881`: FIX: make un-used ticks not be visible * :ghpull:`10968`: Improve docstring of contour * :ghpull:`11120`: Backport PR #10981 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10981`: Document change of label visibility on shared axes * :ghpull:`11114`: Backport PR #10792 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10792`: Fixed not being able to set vertical/horizontal alignments in polar graphs * :ghpull:`11111`: Pin sphinx!=1.7.3 on v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11107`: Pin sphinx to 1.7.2 to unbreak the doc build. * :ghpull:`11090`: Clean docstring of CountourSet * :ghpull:`11084`: Backport PR #10899: Update cycler docstrings and favor kwarg over two… * :ghpull:`10899`: Update cycler docstrings and favor kwarg over two-args form * :ghpull:`11071`: Add note about hist2d resetting axis limits * :ghpull:`11067`: Remove unnecessary shebang. * :ghpull:`11054`: Backport PR #11052 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11052`: Fix CircleCI build. * :ghpull:`11023`: Backport PR #11022 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11022`: MNT: remove distutils.sysconfig import from toplevel module * :ghpull:`11011`: Backport PR #11002 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`11002`: Fix logic error in ScalarMappable.to_rgba * :ghpull:`10952`: Backport PR #10951 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10979`: Backport PR #10978 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10978`: Remove to-be-deprecated NumPy imports. * :ghpull:`10951`: fix wx rubberband: correctly ensure x0<=x1 * :ghpull:`10937`: Backport PR #10935 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10935`: FIX: Postscript allow empty markers * :ghpull:`10858`: FIX: ioerror font cache, second try * :ghpull:`10929`: Fix rctemplate tests when user config file exists. * :ghpull:`10927`: Backport PR #10919 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10919`: Fix overflow when resizing path-to-string buffer. * :ghpull:`10877`: Fix invalid escape sequence in docstring. * :ghpull:`10868`: Backport PR #10867 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10867`: MNT: move bz2 back to function level * :ghpull:`10860`: Backport PR #10856 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10856`: Fix xkcd style garbage collection. * :ghpull:`10853`: Backport PR #10662 on branch v2.2.x * :ghpull:`10662`: Update docs on Axes.set_prop_cycle * :ghpull:`10833`: Propagate marker antialias setting to GraphicsContext. * :ghpull:`10806`: MNT: catch more illegal '\' * :ghpull:`10595`: Improve Figure docstrings Issues (27): * :ghissue:`11822`: matplotlib.pyplot import gives error on MacOSX * :ghissue:`11832`: Marker disappears with markerfacecolor='None' when saving as eps file * :ghissue:`11810`: Figure gets collapsed after nth iteration using constrained_layout * :ghissue:`11389`: Incorrect processing of plot_args when using data argument * :ghissue:`11635`: "import matplotlib.pyplot" fails on NetBSD with version 2.2.2 * :ghissue:`6781`: Toolbar disappears in TkAgg if window if resized * :ghissue:`10890`: Bug causes to_rgba to fail inside cm.py * :ghissue:`9582`: axes_grid1 docs do not appear on mpl.org anymore. * :ghissue:`11484`: Matplotlib does not build on OpenBSD using clang * :ghissue:`11302`: [DOC] Build of documentation fails * :ghissue:`11031`: wrong x-position of marker with drawstyle='steps-xxx' * :ghissue:`11372`: Symbols not showing in eps format * :ghissue:`10814`: manually backport #10806 * :ghissue:`10072`: imshow doesn't properly display some images * :ghissue:`11163`: RecursionError when calling get_yaxis_transform() on a Symlog-scaled axis. * :ghissue:`11156`: Error in documentation of pyplot.errorbar() * :ghissue:`11104`: pyplot.plot conflict: markerfacecolor ='none' and alpha * :ghissue:`11126`: Legend positioning behavior change from matplotlib {2.1.0 -> 2.2.2} * :ghissue:`10633`: Type Error when saving jpg image (Pillow 3) * :ghissue:`10911`: Get ticklabels back on shared axis * :ghissue:`5609`: Segfaults with wxpython backend * :ghissue:`11021`: remove ``import distutils.sysconfig`` from ``lib/matplotlib/__init__.py`` * :ghissue:`10949`: Qt5Agg blitting issue with matplotlib 2.2.2 * :ghissue:`10966`: pillow animation writer failing macOS tests * :ghissue:`10921`: No markers in EPS if fillstyle='none' * :ghissue:`10889`: memory error using savefig with ylim to create pdf of box plots * :ghissue:`10866`: bz2 mistakenly made a hard requirement of matplotlib 2.2.2