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Source code for matplotlib.backends.backend_agg

An agg backend

Features that are implemented

 * capstyles and join styles
 * dashes
 * linewidth
 * lines, rectangles, ellipses
 * clipping to a rectangle
 * output to RGBA and PNG, optionally JPEG and TIFF
 * alpha blending
 * DPI scaling properly - everything scales properly (dashes, linewidths, etc)
 * draw polygon
 * freetype2 w/ ft2font


  * integrate screen dpi w/ ppi and text

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import six

    import threading
except ImportError:
    import dummy_threading as threading

import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import radians, cos, sin
from matplotlib import cbook, rcParams, __version__
from matplotlib.backend_bases import (
    _Backend, FigureCanvasBase, FigureManagerBase, RendererBase, cursors)
from matplotlib.cbook import maxdict
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.font_manager import findfont, get_font
from matplotlib.ft2font import (LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT, LOAD_NO_HINTING,
                                LOAD_DEFAULT, LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT)
from matplotlib.mathtext import MathTextParser
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, BboxBase
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors

from matplotlib.backends._backend_agg import RendererAgg as _RendererAgg
from matplotlib import _png

    from PIL import Image
    _has_pil = True
except ImportError:
    _has_pil = False

backend_version = 'v2.2'

[docs]def get_hinting_flag(): mapping = { True: LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT, False: LOAD_NO_HINTING, 'either': LOAD_DEFAULT, 'native': LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT, 'auto': LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT, 'none': LOAD_NO_HINTING } return mapping[rcParams['text.hinting']]
[docs]class RendererAgg(RendererBase): """ The renderer handles all the drawing primitives using a graphics context instance that controls the colors/styles """ @property @cbook.deprecated("2.2") def debug(self): return 1 # we want to cache the fonts at the class level so that when # multiple figures are created we can reuse them. This helps with # a bug on windows where the creation of too many figures leads to # too many open file handles. However, storing them at the class # level is not thread safe. The solution here is to let the # FigureCanvas acquire a lock on the fontd at the start of the # draw, and release it when it is done. This allows multiple # renderers to share the cached fonts, but only one figure can # draw at time and so the font cache is used by only one # renderer at a time. lock = threading.RLock() def __init__(self, width, height, dpi): RendererBase.__init__(self) self.dpi = dpi self.width = width self.height = height self._renderer = _RendererAgg(int(width), int(height), dpi) self._filter_renderers = [] self._update_methods() self.mathtext_parser = MathTextParser('Agg') self.bbox = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, self.width, self.height) def __getstate__(self): # We only want to preserve the init keywords of the Renderer. # Anything else can be re-created. return {'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, 'dpi': self.dpi} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(state['width'], state['height'], state['dpi']) def _get_hinting_flag(self): if rcParams['text.hinting']: return LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT else: return LOAD_NO_HINTING # for filtering to work with rasterization, methods needs to be wrapped. # maybe there is better way to do it.
[docs] def draw_markers(self, *kl, **kw): return self._renderer.draw_markers(*kl, **kw)
[docs] def draw_path_collection(self, *kl, **kw): return self._renderer.draw_path_collection(*kl, **kw)
def _update_methods(self): self.draw_quad_mesh = self._renderer.draw_quad_mesh self.draw_gouraud_triangle = self._renderer.draw_gouraud_triangle self.draw_gouraud_triangles = self._renderer.draw_gouraud_triangles self.draw_image = self._renderer.draw_image self.copy_from_bbox = self._renderer.copy_from_bbox self.get_content_extents = self._renderer.get_content_extents
[docs] def tostring_rgba_minimized(self): extents = self.get_content_extents() bbox = [[extents[0], self.height - (extents[1] + extents[3])], [extents[0] + extents[2], self.height - extents[1]]] region = self.copy_from_bbox(bbox) return np.array(region), extents
[docs] def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None): """ Draw the path """ nmax = rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] # here at least for testing npts = path.vertices.shape[0] if (nmax > 100 and npts > nmax and path.should_simplify and rgbFace is None and gc.get_hatch() is None): nch = np.ceil(npts / nmax) chsize = int(np.ceil(npts / nch)) i0 = np.arange(0, npts, chsize) i1 = np.zeros_like(i0) i1[:-1] = i0[1:] - 1 i1[-1] = npts for ii0, ii1 in zip(i0, i1): v = path.vertices[ii0:ii1, :] c = if c is not None: c = c[ii0:ii1] c[0] = Path.MOVETO # move to end of last chunk p = Path(v, c) try: self._renderer.draw_path(gc, p, transform, rgbFace) except OverflowError: raise OverflowError("Exceeded cell block limit (set " "'agg.path.chunksize' rcparam)") else: try: self._renderer.draw_path(gc, path, transform, rgbFace) except OverflowError: raise OverflowError("Exceeded cell block limit (set " "'agg.path.chunksize' rcparam)")
[docs] def draw_mathtext(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle): """ Draw the math text using matplotlib.mathtext """ ox, oy, width, height, descent, font_image, used_characters = \ self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, self.dpi, prop) xd = descent * sin(radians(angle)) yd = descent * cos(radians(angle)) x = np.round(x + ox + xd) y = np.round(y - oy + yd) self._renderer.draw_text_image(font_image, x, y + 1, angle, gc)
[docs] def draw_text(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath=False, mtext=None): """ Render the text """ if ismath: return self.draw_mathtext(gc, x, y, s, prop, angle) flags = get_hinting_flag() font = self._get_agg_font(prop) if font is None: return None if len(s) == 1 and ord(s) > 127: font.load_char(ord(s), flags=flags) else: # We pass '0' for angle here, since it will be rotated (in raster # space) in the following call to draw_text_image). font.set_text(s, 0, flags=flags) font.draw_glyphs_to_bitmap(antialiased=rcParams['text.antialiased']) d = font.get_descent() / 64.0 # The descent needs to be adjusted for the angle. xo, yo = font.get_bitmap_offset() xo /= 64.0 yo /= 64.0 xd = -d * sin(radians(angle)) yd = d * cos(radians(angle)) self._renderer.draw_text_image( font, np.round(x - xd + xo), np.round(y + yd + yo) + 1, angle, gc)
[docs] def get_text_width_height_descent(self, s, prop, ismath): """ Get the width, height, and descent (offset from the bottom to the baseline), in display coords, of the string *s* with :class:`~matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties` *prop* """ if ismath in ["TeX", "TeX!"]: # todo: handle props size = prop.get_size_in_points() texmanager = self.get_texmanager() fontsize = prop.get_size_in_points() w, h, d = texmanager.get_text_width_height_descent( s, fontsize, renderer=self) return w, h, d if ismath: ox, oy, width, height, descent, fonts, used_characters = \ self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, self.dpi, prop) return width, height, descent flags = get_hinting_flag() font = self._get_agg_font(prop) font.set_text(s, 0.0, flags=flags) w, h = font.get_width_height() # width and height of unrotated string d = font.get_descent() w /= 64.0 # convert from subpixels h /= 64.0 d /= 64.0 return w, h, d
[docs] def draw_tex(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath='TeX!', mtext=None): # todo, handle props, angle, origins size = prop.get_size_in_points() texmanager = self.get_texmanager() Z = texmanager.get_grey(s, size, self.dpi) Z = np.array(Z * 255.0, np.uint8) w, h, d = self.get_text_width_height_descent(s, prop, ismath) xd = d * sin(radians(angle)) yd = d * cos(radians(angle)) x = np.round(x + xd) y = np.round(y + yd) self._renderer.draw_text_image(Z, x, y, angle, gc)
[docs] def get_canvas_width_height(self): 'return the canvas width and height in display coords' return self.width, self.height
def _get_agg_font(self, prop): """ Get the font for text instance t, cacheing for efficiency """ fname = findfont(prop) font = get_font(fname) font.clear() size = prop.get_size_in_points() font.set_size(size, self.dpi) return font
[docs] def points_to_pixels(self, points): """ convert point measures to pixes using dpi and the pixels per inch of the display """ return points*self.dpi/72.0
[docs] def tostring_rgb(self): return self._renderer.tostring_rgb()
[docs] def tostring_argb(self): return self._renderer.tostring_argb()
[docs] def buffer_rgba(self): return self._renderer.buffer_rgba()
[docs] def clear(self): self._renderer.clear()
[docs] def option_image_nocomposite(self): # It is generally faster to composite each image directly to # the Figure, and there's no file size benefit to compositing # with the Agg backend return True
[docs] def option_scale_image(self): """ agg backend doesn't support arbitrary scaling of image. """ return False
[docs] def restore_region(self, region, bbox=None, xy=None): """ Restore the saved region. If bbox (instance of BboxBase, or its extents) is given, only the region specified by the bbox will be restored. *xy* (a tuple of two floasts) optionally specifies the new position (the LLC of the original region, not the LLC of the bbox) where the region will be restored. >>> region = renderer.copy_from_bbox() >>> x1, y1, x2, y2 = region.get_extents() >>> renderer.restore_region(region, bbox=(x1+dx, y1, x2, y2), ... xy=(x1-dx, y1)) """ if bbox is not None or xy is not None: if bbox is None: x1, y1, x2, y2 = region.get_extents() elif isinstance(bbox, BboxBase): x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox.extents else: x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox if xy is None: ox, oy = x1, y1 else: ox, oy = xy # The incoming data is float, but the _renderer type-checking wants # to see integers. self._renderer.restore_region(region, int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2), int(ox), int(oy)) else: self._renderer.restore_region(region)
[docs] def start_filter(self): """ Start filtering. It simply create a new canvas (the old one is saved). """ self._filter_renderers.append(self._renderer) self._renderer = _RendererAgg(int(self.width), int(self.height), self.dpi) self._update_methods()
[docs] def stop_filter(self, post_processing): """ Save the plot in the current canvas as a image and apply the *post_processing* function. def post_processing(image, dpi): # ny, nx, depth = image.shape # image (numpy array) has RGBA channels and has a depth of 4. ... # create a new_image (numpy array of 4 channels, size can be # different). The resulting image may have offsets from # lower-left corner of the original image return new_image, offset_x, offset_y The saved renderer is restored and the returned image from post_processing is plotted (using draw_image) on it. """ # WARNING: For agg_filter to work, the renderer's method need to # overridden in the class. See draw_markers and draw_path_collections. width, height = int(self.width), int(self.height) buffer, bounds = self.tostring_rgba_minimized() l, b, w, h = bounds self._renderer = self._filter_renderers.pop() self._update_methods() if w > 0 and h > 0: img = np.fromstring(buffer, np.uint8) img, ox, oy = post_processing(img.reshape((h, w, 4)) / 255., self.dpi) gc = self.new_gc() if img.dtype.kind == 'f': img = np.asarray(img * 255., np.uint8) img = img[::-1] self._renderer.draw_image( gc, l + ox, height - b - h + oy, img)
[docs]class FigureCanvasAgg(FigureCanvasBase): """ The canvas the figure renders into. Calls the draw and print fig methods, creates the renderers, etc... Attributes ---------- figure : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` A high-level Figure instance """
[docs] def copy_from_bbox(self, bbox): renderer = self.get_renderer() return renderer.copy_from_bbox(bbox)
[docs] def restore_region(self, region, bbox=None, xy=None): renderer = self.get_renderer() return renderer.restore_region(region, bbox, xy)
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw the figure using the renderer """ self.renderer = self.get_renderer(cleared=True) # acquire a lock on the shared font cache RendererAgg.lock.acquire() toolbar = self.toolbar try: # if toolbar: # toolbar.set_cursor(cursors.WAIT) self.figure.draw(self.renderer) # A GUI class may be need to update a window using this draw, so # don't forget to call the superclass. super(FigureCanvasAgg, self).draw() finally: # if toolbar: # toolbar.set_cursor(toolbar._lastCursor) RendererAgg.lock.release()
[docs] def get_renderer(self, cleared=False): l, b, w, h = self.figure.bbox.bounds key = w, h, self.figure.dpi try: self._lastKey, self.renderer except AttributeError: need_new_renderer = True else: need_new_renderer = (self._lastKey != key) if need_new_renderer: self.renderer = RendererAgg(w, h, self.figure.dpi) self._lastKey = key elif cleared: self.renderer.clear() return self.renderer
[docs] def tostring_rgb(self): '''Get the image as an RGB byte string `draw` must be called at least once before this function will work and to update the renderer for any subsequent changes to the Figure. Returns ------- bytes ''' return self.renderer.tostring_rgb()
[docs] def tostring_argb(self): '''Get the image as an ARGB byte string `draw` must be called at least once before this function will work and to update the renderer for any subsequent changes to the Figure. Returns ------- bytes ''' return self.renderer.tostring_argb()
[docs] def buffer_rgba(self): '''Get the image as an RGBA byte string `draw` must be called at least once before this function will work and to update the renderer for any subsequent changes to the Figure. Returns ------- bytes ''' return self.renderer.buffer_rgba()
[docs] def print_raw(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs): FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self) renderer = self.get_renderer() original_dpi = renderer.dpi renderer.dpi = self.figure.dpi if isinstance(filename_or_obj, six.string_types): fileobj = open(filename_or_obj, 'wb') close = True else: fileobj = filename_or_obj close = False try: fileobj.write(renderer._renderer.buffer_rgba()) finally: if close: fileobj.close() renderer.dpi = original_dpi
print_rgba = print_raw
[docs] def print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs): FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self) renderer = self.get_renderer() original_dpi = renderer.dpi renderer.dpi = self.figure.dpi version_str = 'matplotlib version ' + __version__ + \ ',' metadata = OrderedDict({'Software': version_str}) user_metadata = kwargs.pop("metadata", None) if user_metadata is not None: metadata.update(user_metadata) try: with cbook.open_file_cm(filename_or_obj, "wb") as fh: _png.write_png(renderer._renderer, fh, self.figure.dpi, metadata=metadata) finally: renderer.dpi = original_dpi
[docs] def print_to_buffer(self): FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self) renderer = self.get_renderer() original_dpi = renderer.dpi renderer.dpi = self.figure.dpi try: result = (renderer._renderer.buffer_rgba(), (int(renderer.width), int(renderer.height))) finally: renderer.dpi = original_dpi return result
if _has_pil: # add JPEG support
[docs] def print_jpg(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Other Parameters ---------------- quality : int The image quality, on a scale from 1 (worst) to 95 (best). The default is 95, if not given in the matplotlibrc file in the savefig.jpeg_quality parameter. Values above 95 should be avoided; 100 completely disables the JPEG quantization stage. optimize : bool If present, indicates that the encoder should make an extra pass over the image in order to select optimal encoder settings. progressive : bool If present, indicates that this image should be stored as a progressive JPEG file. """ buf, size = self.print_to_buffer() if kwargs.pop("dryrun", False): return # The image is "pasted" onto a white background image to safely # handle any transparency image = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', size, buf, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1) rgba = mcolors.to_rgba(rcParams['savefig.facecolor']) color = tuple([int(x * 255.0) for x in rgba[:3]]) background ='RGB', size, color) background.paste(image, image) options = {k: kwargs[k] for k in ['quality', 'optimize', 'progressive', 'dpi'] if k in kwargs} options.setdefault('quality', rcParams['savefig.jpeg_quality']) if 'dpi' in options: # Set the same dpi in both x and y directions options['dpi'] = (options['dpi'], options['dpi']) return, format='jpeg', **options)
print_jpeg = print_jpg # add TIFF support
[docs] def print_tif(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs): buf, size = self.print_to_buffer() if kwargs.pop("dryrun", False): return image = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', size, buf, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1) dpi = (self.figure.dpi, self.figure.dpi) return, format='tiff', dpi=dpi)
print_tiff = print_tif
@_Backend.export class _BackendAgg(_Backend): FigureCanvas = FigureCanvasAgg FigureManager = FigureManagerBase