.. _github-stats: GitHub Stats ============ GitHub stats for 2017/10/03 - 2018/03/16 (tag: v2.1.0) These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. We closed 422 issues and merged 625 pull requests. The following 125 authors contributed 2458 commits. * Adrien F. Vincent * ahed87 * akrherz * Alexander Harnisch * AlexCav * Allan Haldane * Andy Mastbaum * Antony Lee * apodemus * Arthur Paulino * as691454 * ash13 * Atharva Khare * Ben Root * Blaise Thompson * Boaz Mohar * Brendan Zhang * Brennan Magee * cclauss * cgohlke * ch3rn0v * Chris Holdgraf * Christoph Gohlke * clintval * Dakota Blair * David Stansby * deepyaman * Derek Kim * Derek Tropf * Dietmar Schwertberger * DietmarSchwertberger * Divyam Madaan * Doug Blank * Duncan Macleod * Elliott Sales de Andrade * Emlyn Price * Eric Firing * Eric Wieser * Erik M. Bray * et2010 * Fabian Kloosterman * Federico Ariza * Filip Dimitrovski * Franco Vaccari * fuzzythecat * gregorybchris * Hajoon Choi * hannah * Helder * Importance of Being Ernest * Jake Vanderplas * Jamie Nunez * JelsB * Jody Klymak * John Hoffman * Johnny Gill * Joseph Albert * Jouni K. Seppänen * Juan Nunez-Iglesias * Justin Cai * Kevin Ji * Kexuan Sun * Kjell Le * Leo Singer * Lionel Miller * Luca Verginer * luz.paz * Matthew Brett * Matthias Bussonnier * Matti Picus * mattip * Maximilian Nöthe * mcquin * Michael Seifert * Mudit Surana * Nathan Goldbaum * navdeep rana * Nelle Varoquaux * nemanja * Nick Papior * Nik Quibin * Nikita Kniazev * Nis Martensen * nmartensen * Norman Fomferra * Osarumwense * Pastafarianist * Paul Ganssle * Paul Hobson * Paul Seyfert * Phil Ruffwind * Richard Gowers * Rob Harrigan * Robin Dunn * roonjoot * Roy Smith * Ryan May * Saket Choudhary * Salinder Sidhu * Sean Farley * Sergey B Kirpichev * settheory * simonpf * stone * stonebig * TD22057 * tdpetrou * Ted Petrou * Thomas A Caswell * Thomas Mansencal * Thomas Robitaille * Thomas Spura * Thomas VINCENT * thuvejan * Tim Hoffmann * Tom * Tom Augspurger * Tom Dupré la Tour * TomDonoghue * WANG Aiyong * William Mallard * Yao-Yuan Mao * Yuval Langer * Zac-HD * ZWL GitHub issues and pull requests: Pull Requests (625): * :ghpull:`10815`: API: shift deprecation of TempCache class to 3.0 * :ghpull:`10725`: FIX/TST constrained_layout remove test8 duplication * :ghpull:`10805`: FIX: properties and setp on Table instances * :ghpull:`10806`: MNT: catch more illegal '\' * :ghpull:`10296`: Improve docstrings of pyplot axis-related functions * :ghpull:`10278`: improve docstring of Axes.loglog, Axes.semilogx, Axes.semilogy * :ghpull:`10705`: FIX: enable extend kwargs with log scale colorbar * :ghpull:`10400`: numpydoc-ify art3d docstrings * :ghpull:`10723`: repr style fixes. * :ghpull:`10592`: Rely on generalized * and ** unpackings where possible. * :ghpull:`10787`: Fix offsetbox expand mode * :ghpull:`9475`: Declare property aliases in a single place * :ghpull:`10793`: A hodgepodge of Py3 & style fixes. * :ghpull:`10781`: Mention Jupyter in matplotlib usage * :ghpull:`10794`: fixed comment typo * :ghpull:`10768`: Fix crash when imshow encounters longdouble data * :ghpull:`10774`: Remove dead wx testing code. * :ghpull:`10756`: Fixes png showing inconsistent inset_axes position * :ghpull:`10773`: Consider alpha channel from RGBA color of text for SVG backend text opacity rendering * :ghpull:`10772`: API: check locator and formatter args when passed * :ghpull:`10713`: Implemented support for 'markevery' in prop_cycle * :ghpull:`10751`: make centre_baseline legal for Text.set_verticalalignment * :ghpull:`10771`: FIX/TST OS X builds * :ghpull:`10754`: Fix image fmt detection for Path input. * :ghpull:`10739`: FIX: ffmpeg logging level * :ghpull:`10726`: FIX: re-instate verbose alias * :ghpull:`10752`: Update copyright date to 2018 * :ghpull:`10742`: FIX: reorder linewidth setting before linestyle * :ghpull:`10714`: sys.platform is normalized to "linux" on Py3. * :ghpull:`10542`: Minor cleanup: PEP8, PEP257 * :ghpull:`10636`: Remove some wx version checks. * :ghpull:`10736`: Avoid narrowing conversion in image_wrapper on 32-bit. * :ghpull:`10731`: Corrected mistitling on the annotation tutorial page * :ghpull:`10734`: Fix logging level type * :ghpull:`10728`: Set data limits for Axes3DSubplot.plot when zdir=y or zdir=x #5742 * :ghpull:`10721`: sanitize norm extrema to be floats * :ghpull:`10710`: BUG: Fix UnboundLocalError in contour labelling * :ghpull:`10703`: Fix signature docstring in _png extension. * :ghpull:`10683`: Convert Tick attributes to numpydoc * :ghpull:`10690`: Improve lazy-ticks realization. * :ghpull:`10697`: Remove special-casing of _remove_method when pickling. * :ghpull:`10701`: Autoadd removal version to deprecation message. * :ghpull:`10699`: Remove incorrect warning in gca(). * :ghpull:`10564`: Nested classes and instancemethods are directly picklable on Py3.5+. * :ghpull:`10107`: Fix stay_span to reset onclick in SpanSelector. * :ghpull:`10480`: Filter out invalid value warnings in log scaling * :ghpull:`10596`: Switch to per-file locking. * :ghpull:`10681`: Fix tk icon loading. * :ghpull:`10532`: Py3fy backend_pgf. * :ghpull:`10618`: Fixes #10501. python3 support and pep8 in jpl_units * :ghpull:`10652`: Some py3fication for matplotlib/__init__, setupext. * :ghpull:`10522`: Py3fy font_manager. * :ghpull:`10666`: More figure-related doc updates * :ghpull:`10507`: Remove Python 2 code from C extensions * :ghpull:`10426`: Delete deprecated backends * :ghpull:`9814`: figure_enter_event uses now LocationEvent instead of Event. Fix issue #9812. * :ghpull:`10658`: FIX Speed up constrained layout * :ghpull:`9918`: Remove old nose testing code * :ghpull:`10672`: Deprecation fixes. * :ghpull:`10608`: Remove most APIs deprecated in 2.1. * :ghpull:`10599`: Axes doc updates * :ghpull:`10665`: Highlight deprecations in the docs * :ghpull:`10653`: Mock is in stdlib in Py3. * :ghpull:`10603`: Remove workarounds for numpy<1.10. * :ghpull:`10660`: Work towards removing reuse-of-axes-on-collision. * :ghpull:`10364`: Workaround property list indent * :ghpull:`10661`: Homebrew python is now python 3 * :ghpull:`10613`: FIX: resolution of imshow for floats and 2-D greyscale PIL images * :ghpull:`10638`: WIP: ENH: autodecode pandas timestamps * :ghpull:`10595`: Improve Figure docstrings * :ghpull:`10656`: Minor fixes to event handling docs. * :ghpull:`10629`: FIX/ENH CL: Allow single parent colorbar w/ gridspec layout * :ghpull:`10635`: Simplify setupext by using globs. * :ghpull:`10632`: Support markers from Paths that consist of one line segment * :ghpull:`10558`: Remove if six.PY2 code paths from boilerplate.py * :ghpull:`10645`: Add mplcairo to 3rdparty docs. * :ghpull:`10640`: Fix extra and missing spaces in constrainedlayout warning. * :ghpull:`10631`: Convert NaT to nan in date2num * :ghpull:`10623`: Fix for failing bar plot w/ units * :ghpull:`10622`: make seaborn great again on Matplotlib-2.2 * :ghpull:`10624`: Some trivial py3fications. * :ghpull:`10548`: Implement PdfPages for backend pgf * :ghpull:`10625`: Fixes to constrainedlayout tutorial markup. * :ghpull:`10614`: Use np.stack instead of list(zip()) in colorbar.py. * :ghpull:`10621`: Cleanup and py3fy backend_gtk3. * :ghpull:`10568`: Prevent ZeroDivisionError when devicePixelRatio() returns 0 * :ghpull:`10615`: More style fixes. * :ghpull:`10604`: Minor style fixes. * :ghpull:`10531`: Update matplotlibrc.template * :ghpull:`10565`: Strip python 2 code from subprocess.py * :ghpull:`10605`: Bump a tolerance in test_axisartist_floating_axes. * :ghpull:`10554`: Make ax3d.get_xlim() return a tuple, as 2D axes do. * :ghpull:`7853`: Use exact types for Py_BuildValue. * :ghpull:`10594`: FIX: colorbar check for constrained layout * :ghpull:`10570`: Fix check_shared in test_subplots. * :ghpull:`10581`: Might be ``figure.constrained_layout.use`` * :ghpull:`10569`: Various style fixes. * :ghpull:`10593`: Use 'yield from' where appropriate. * :ghpull:`10563`: Add some mlab alternatives * :ghpull:`10588`: Bugfix in axes3d not raising an exception * :ghpull:`10518`: Fix Wx inconsistencies * :ghpull:`10428`: Fix wx canvas type injection. * :ghpull:`10577`: Minor simplification to Figure.__getstate__ logic. * :ghpull:`10578`: Fix eventplot exception due to uninitiliazed ``_is_horizontal`` attribute * :ghpull:`10552`: Fix issue with clf not clearing constrainedlayout * :ghpull:`10549`: Source typos * :ghpull:`10525`: Convert six.moves.xrange() to range() for Python 3 * :ghpull:`10551`: Simplify rst cross references by omitting the shortener ~ when not needed * :ghpull:`10538`: FIX: TypeError when using offset box in expand mode with tightlayout * :ghpull:`10541`: More argumentless (py3) super() * :ghpull:`10539`: TST: Replace assert_equal with plain asserts. * :ghpull:`10534`: Modernize cbook.get_realpath_and_stat. * :ghpull:`10524`: Remove unused private _StringFuncParser. * :ghpull:`10470`: Remove Python 2 code from setup * :ghpull:`10429`: Fix wxcairo byteorder. * :ghpull:`10462`: Fix add_subplot documentation regarding args * :ghpull:`10484`: Add libm when building Qhull. * :ghpull:`10509`: Move some logging calls down to DEBUG level. * :ghpull:`10528`: py3fy examples * :ghpull:`10520`: Py3fy mathtext.py. * :ghpull:`10527`: Switch to argumentless (py3) super(). * :ghpull:`10523`: The current master branch is now python 3 only. * :ghpull:`10519`: _macosx.m fails to compile on Mac OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard - Issue #10516 * :ghpull:`10432`: Use some new Python3 types * :ghpull:`10475`: Use HTTP Secure for matplotlib.org * :ghpull:`10383`: Fix some C++ warnings * :ghpull:`10478`: Separate plots using #### in xkcd.py * :ghpull:`10505`: Remove backport of which() * :ghpull:`10486`: BUG: sscanf did not parse arguments in _tkagg.cpp * :ghpull:`10469`: FIX: DPI inconsistency of draggable legend * :ghpull:`10483`: Remove backports.functools_lru_cache * :ghpull:`10451`: renaming duplicated file names * :ghpull:`10492`: Avoid UnboundLocalError in drag_pan. * :ghpull:`10473`: DOC: Expending a bit about the "tableau-colorblind10" entry in What's new * :ghpull:`10491`: Simplify Mac builds on Travis * :ghpull:`10490`: DOC: added bounds and more description to margins * :ghpull:`10481`: Remove python 2 compatibility code from dviread * :ghpull:`10447`: Remove Python 2 compatibility code from backend_pdf.py * :ghpull:`10468`: Replace is_numlike by isinstance(..., numbers.Number). * :ghpull:`10454`: Set packet_ends = None before using in dviread.py * :ghpull:`10439`: mkdir is in the stdlib in Py3. * :ghpull:`10431`: Some font-related numpydoc changes * :ghpull:`10467`: update example docstring of afm.py * :ghpull:`10460`: DOC: remove sphinx markup that confsed SG * :ghpull:`10461`: fix broken link in lib/matplotlib/dates.py comment * :ghpull:`10463`: DOC: Add cividis to the tutorial about colormaps * :ghpull:`10392`: FIX: make set_text(None) keep string empty instead of "None" * :ghpull:`10450`: DOC: add active state to install docs * :ghpull:`10425`: API: only support python 3.5+ * :ghpull:`10440`: Add canonical link to webpages * :ghpull:`10444`: DOC: s/xasis/xaxis/ in whats_new.rst * :ghpull:`10441`: Fix doc build error. * :ghpull:`10422`: Define RecursionError for Python versions < 3.5 * :ghpull:`10437`: Add docstring to set_interpolation * :ghpull:`10427`: Cleanup old print statements * :ghpull:`10414`: Doc merge up api whats new * :ghpull:`10416`: Update some wx examples * :ghpull:`10423`: DOC/STY: whitespace and docstring fixes * :ghpull:`10208`: Add some wx specific tools for ToolManager * :ghpull:`9114`: Fix PdfPages+cairo. * :ghpull:`9074`: Don't abort on FT2Font weakref. * :ghpull:`10274`: doc: fix layout of tables within parameter lists * :ghpull:`10421`: remove string escapes from matplotlibrc.template * :ghpull:`9783`: Categorical: Unsorted, String only, fix overwrite bug * :ghpull:`10420`: Fix some broken links * :ghpull:`10395`: WxCairo backend. * :ghpull:`10415`: fix bug #3690: don't call evt.Skip() when window has just been destroyed * :ghpull:`10352`: Explicitely destroy created wx PaintDC * :ghpull:`10377`: FigureCanvasWx/Agg fixed size * :ghpull:`10399`: Avoid double draw in qt5cairo. * :ghpull:`9871`: Cividis colormap added with short description in whats_new * :ghpull:`10413`: DOC: Fix typos in section names. * :ghpull:`10407`: TST/FIX twinx and twiny w/ constrainedlayout * :ghpull:`10409`: Remove unused _is_list_like. Move six import up. * :ghpull:`10412`: GTK backend deprecations * :ghpull:`10385`: Fix deprecations in examples * :ghpull:`10389`: import six * :ghpull:`10405`: Minor updates to unit doc * :ghpull:`10366`: Axes doc datanotes * :ghpull:`10402`: MNT: remove example based on Enthought Traits package * :ghpull:`7545`: Axisartist testing + bugfixes * :ghpull:`10390`: file() was removed in Python 3 * :ghpull:`10394`: Wrong explanation in docstring for add_subplot fixed * :ghpull:`10393`: OOification of the new examples from #10306 * :ghpull:`10306`: Add ytick label right/left properties in matplotlibrc * :ghpull:`9081`: cell returned when added to Table * :ghpull:`10387`: TST: Small fix to constrainedlayout7 test (removed image) * :ghpull:`9708`: Cleanup doc/conf.py & local sphinx extensions * :ghpull:`10370`: Clean up units.py * :ghpull:`9934`: MEP22 implementation for QT backend * :ghpull:`9151`: Deprecate mlab functions * :ghpull:`10210`: qt{4,5}cairo backend: the minimal version. * :ghpull:`10379`: FIX: re-jigger deprecation of rcParams using machinery in __init__ * :ghpull:`10276`: improve docstring of Axes.step * :ghpull:`10371`: Fix constrainedlayout uneven grid specs * :ghpull:`10220`: Clip RGB data to valid range for imshow * :ghpull:`9991`: MAINT: Use vectorization in plot_trisurf, simplifying greatly * :ghpull:`10363`: Fix to allow both old and new style wx versions * :ghpull:`10309`: Improve code generated by boilerplate.py * :ghpull:`10367`: constrained layout guide typos * :ghpull:`9082`: [MRG] Constrained_layout (geometry manager) * :ghpull:`10359`: Add attributes section to ColorbarBase doc * :ghpull:`10362`: Switch to using StrictVersion in wx_compat.py * :ghpull:`10353`: Fix syntax highlighting of sample bash and bibtex in rst markup. * :ghpull:`10354`: DOC: clarify that clim is not a valid kwarg if vmin/vmax are used * :ghpull:`10355`: Fix typo in tutorial; & change mention of Qt4 to Qt5 (new default). * :ghpull:`10351`: FIX: deprecate qt4/5 rcparams * :ghpull:`10347`: Hide the backend.qt4/5 rcparam deprecation warning in test suite. * :ghpull:`10348`: When latex fails, make sure it does not write a dvi. * :ghpull:`10226`: Custom :rcparam: role. * :ghpull:`10335`: Update some image_comparison tests. * :ghpull:`10282`: Deprecate the backend.qt{4,5} rcParams. * :ghpull:`10281`: Move down logging levels in mpl/__init__ to DEBUG. * :ghpull:`10337`: Deprecate backend_tkagg.AxisMenu. * :ghpull:`10242`: Fix InvertedLog10Transform.inverted() * :ghpull:`10331`: Remove unnecessary calls to float() before division. * :ghpull:`10327`: Don't call np.identity() in transforms. * :ghpull:`10325`: Minor improvements to quadmesh_demo. * :ghpull:`10340`: update set_drawstyle * :ghpull:`10333`: Remove some commented out debug prints. * :ghpull:`10301`: Deprecate truncating saved unsized anims to 100 frames. * :ghpull:`10332`: Join strings instead of adding them. * :ghpull:`10330`: Shorten a long and now outdated comment. * :ghpull:`10326`: Various examples updates. * :ghpull:`10328`: Use deg2rad/rad2deg where appropriate. * :ghpull:`10324`: Linewrap backend_pgf to 79 characters. * :ghpull:`10033`: Improve handling of shared axes with specified aspect ratio * :ghpull:`10310`: Add libdl on Unix-like systems. * :ghpull:`10320`: DOC: Tiny fixes, and possible overhaul, of the two scales example in the gallery * :ghpull:`10313`: Make commented ACCEPTS statements inline comments * :ghpull:`10316`: TST FIX pyqt5 5.9 * :ghpull:`10302`: Alternate implementation of lazy ticks. * :ghpull:`9652`: Align x and y labels between axes * :ghpull:`10292`: Unset the canvas manager when saving the figure. * :ghpull:`10303`: Simplify Axis.get_{major,minor}_ticks. * :ghpull:`10295`: Pass options to ps2pdf using ``-foo#bar`` instead of ``-foo=bar``. * :ghpull:`10311`: Clean up next what's new files * :ghpull:`10224`: improve docstring of Axes.errorbar * :ghpull:`10308`: Switch the lasso selector to use mpl event handling, not input(). * :ghpull:`10206`: Don't convert numbers plotted on an axis with units * :ghpull:`10305`: Make the horizontal bar appear in AnchoredArtists example. * :ghpull:`10289`: Ensure image scale factors are scalars * :ghpull:`10284`: Allow ACCEPTS as ReST comment in docstrings * :ghpull:`10266`: More misc. typos * :ghpull:`10283`: Deprecate obsolete 'plugins.directory' rcparam. * :ghpull:`10286`: Update multi_image example. * :ghpull:`10240`: Pillow animation writer. * :ghpull:`10279`: Add 'val' attribute to slider doc * :ghpull:`10280`: Update writing docs concerning explicit parameter lists * :ghpull:`10231`: Support PathLike inputs. * :ghpull:`9952`: Errorbars accept marker_options and follow prop_cycle * :ghpull:`10271`: whats_new.rst: "C" must be capitalized in "CreationDate" * :ghpull:`9911`: Make _get_rgba_face actually always return a RGBA. * :ghpull:`10200`: Catch normed warning in tests * :ghpull:`10219`: Improve transform docstrings * :ghpull:`10076`: improve sub-second datetime plotting and documentation * :ghpull:`8512`: DOC: add quickstart section to the gridspec tutorial * :ghpull:`10168`: Minor update to multiprocessing example. * :ghpull:`10154`: improve Axes.stem docstring * :ghpull:`10203`: Update docs, in particular for backends. * :ghpull:`9884`: DOC: re-organize devel/documenting_mpl.rst * :ghpull:`10243`: improve docstring of Axes.scatter * :ghpull:`10250`: Minor refactor of backend_ps. * :ghpull:`10261`: Some comment typo fixes * :ghpull:`10125`: Cleanup animation examples * :ghpull:`10197`: AFM fonts don't have .postscript_name, but .get_fontname(). * :ghpull:`10263`: FIX: (re-allow) legend OrderedDict handles and labels... * :ghpull:`10257`: BLD: use correct method to get installation hints * :ghpull:`10259`: Clean up example section titles * :ghpull:`10254`: Quick and dirty revert of busy cursor for 2.1.2. * :ghpull:`9570`: Allow setting MATPLOTLIBRC by process substitution. * :ghpull:`10247`: Simplify _get_xdg_cache_dir in setupext. * :ghpull:`10256`: Remove reference to ignored rcParam, nbagg.transparent * :ghpull:`10133`: FIX: Image scaling for large dynamic range ints * :ghpull:`10077`: Use fuzzy comparison for stroke join determination. * :ghpull:`10246`: improve docstring of Axes.plot_date * :ghpull:`10233`: Move unrendered docstrings to private attributes. * :ghpull:`10010`: FIX: Check for fontsize smaller than 1 pt and round up * :ghpull:`10248`: Minor cleanups. * :ghpull:`9356`: COMPAT: use tkagg backend on PyPy * :ghpull:`10188`: Doc timer docs * :ghpull:`10232`: Unify "blank space" and "white space" to "space". * :ghpull:`10138`: Clean up _axes.py docstrings * :ghpull:`10228`: Add closing quotes to embedded python in rst markup. * :ghpull:`10217`: TST: Don't use set -e. * :ghpull:`10214`: DOC: fix '\' markup for sphinx and py37 * :ghpull:`10213`: Add missing import to backend_tkagg. * :ghpull:`9275`: Tkagg fixes * :ghpull:`10204`: Cleanup backend_cairo. * :ghpull:`10195`: Wrap a few overly long lines. * :ghpull:`10190`: improve docstring of Axes.plot * :ghpull:`10086`: Deprecate support for "svg fonts" font embedding. * :ghpull:`10119`: Simplify gridspec.py. * :ghpull:`10193`: Handle Tick gridline properties like other Tick properties * :ghpull:`10182`: improve docstrings for Axes.bar, Axes.barh, Axes.stackplot * :ghpull:`10186`: improve docstrings of Axes.fill_between and Axes.fill_betweenx * :ghpull:`10181`: Cleanup texmanager. * :ghpull:`10192`: remove evt.Skip() from EVT_PAINT handler * :ghpull:`10191`: Minor refactoring of docstring formatting in preprocess_data * :ghpull:`10196`: Remove most instances of pep8 E502 (redundant backslashes). * :ghpull:`10139`: Improve legend_handler docstrings * :ghpull:`10198`: Improve hist2d returns doc * :ghpull:`10146`: Updated what's new entry for color comparision method * :ghpull:`10184`: Remove executable bit from example. * :ghpull:`10180`: Rebase of #8504 * :ghpull:`10178`: Simplify pandas fixture. * :ghpull:`10124`: TST: centralize and standardize pandas imports * :ghpull:`10175`: Agg: When a single Text uses usetex, don't pass it through mathtext parser * :ghpull:`10166`: Hide fully transparent text in PS output. * :ghpull:`10150`: Docstring updates for ``Axes.fill`` and ``Axes.pie`` * :ghpull:`10172`: Slight improvements to contour.py doc * :ghpull:`10159`: improve Axes.broken_barh docstring * :ghpull:`10169`: Make relim() take images into account too. * :ghpull:`10171`: Replace normed with density in examples * :ghpull:`10046`: Add missing decode() in svg font embedding path. * :ghpull:`9317`: On 2.7, run tests on oldest documented supported pytest and pytest-cov. * :ghpull:`10091`: Replace "True | False" by "bool" in the docs. * :ghpull:`10129`: Fix multiple zero labels when using SymLogNorm * :ghpull:`10085`: Move missing font message to debug level * :ghpull:`10155`: Use keyword arguments for setp() in examples * :ghpull:`10152`: DOC: update the datetime64 HowTo * :ghpull:`9645`: expose Path.contains_points as a method of Patch * :ghpull:`10093`: Some docstring fixes and change a raise type * :ghpull:`10141`: Zoom out to rectangle is not experimental anymore. * :ghpull:`10087`: Update docs on installing GUI toolkits in virtualenvs. * :ghpull:`10137`: Remove gen rst * :ghpull:`10126`: Move axisartist examples to their folder. * :ghpull:`10131`: cairo backends do not support blitting; mark them as such. * :ghpull:`10134`: Minor style cleanups. * :ghpull:`10127`: Use subplots() instead of axes_grid in suitable examples. * :ghpull:`9938`: Cleanup imports. * :ghpull:`10116`: Add simple image test for 3D tricontour and tricontourf * :ghpull:`10090`: Minor simplification to _pylab_helpers. * :ghpull:`10089`: Deprecate passing strings instead of booleans to control tick state (and other states). * :ghpull:`9975`: Remove some test warnings * :ghpull:`10084`: DOC: Better error when float on datetime axis * :ghpull:`10092`: Minor cleanups to the cairo backend. * :ghpull:`10120`: Minor simplification to legend.py. * :ghpull:`10101`: Add origin as sticky point for radial axes * :ghpull:`10104`: Minor fixes to backend_template. * :ghpull:`9619`: FIX: non-existing variable * :ghpull:`10020`: Let Container reprs report the actual subtype. * :ghpull:`9959`: DOC: Update color tutorial to explain alpha * :ghpull:`10094`: replace six.next -> next (available since Py2.6). * :ghpull:`10103`: Simplify Colormap.__call__. * :ghpull:`10102`: Remove list(zip(...)) when unnecessary. * :ghpull:`10106`: Clean up some widget docstrings * :ghpull:`10108`: Dedent docs in contributing.rst bullet/numbered lists. * :ghpull:`10096`: Logging and exception messages cleanup. * :ghpull:`10095`: Remove some debugging code. * :ghpull:`10100`: STY: fix line length * :ghpull:`9316`: Removal of deprecated features for 2.2 * :ghpull:`10098`: Doc update: Explain what drawing a line does in RectangularSelector. * :ghpull:`9997`: Fix empty plot with drawstyle="steps" * :ghpull:`10065`: Add version to documentation header * :ghpull:`10028`: Remove some deprecated rcParams. * :ghpull:`10024`: Deprecate nbagg.transparent rcParam. * :ghpull:`10074`: Prefer vendored qhull if sys-wide version can't be determined. * :ghpull:`10044`: Remove some uses of unicode_literals * :ghpull:`10055`: Documentation mistake in pyplot.py corrected * :ghpull:`10064`: FIX: remove repeated label legend logic * :ghpull:`10052`: Use consistent float-to-str formatting for tests with units * :ghpull:`10032`: Add method for comparing two colors * :ghpull:`10030`: Fix using .get_color() and friends in labels handling * :ghpull:`10031`: Fix legend color comparisions * :ghpull:`10021`: Cleanup issue template. * :ghpull:`10026`: Fix scatter docstring markup * :ghpull:`10043`: Update FreeType hashes * :ghpull:`10027`: Improve errorbar returns doc * :ghpull:`10019`: TST: test mlab cohere * :ghpull:`10025`: Remove badges from website sidebar * :ghpull:`10000`: Fix figure.colorbar() with axes keywords * :ghpull:`9999`: improve legend docstring * :ghpull:`9514`: Convert index.html and citing.html to rst. * :ghpull:`10006`: add mpl-template and plotnine to 3rd party doc * :ghpull:`7945`: fix StixSans mapping bug * :ghpull:`10014`: FIX: pass nonposx/y args through loglog etc * :ghpull:`10004`: Fixed critical typo in mlab.cohere * :ghpull:`9989`: FIX: clabel manual spacing was incorrect * :ghpull:`9998`: Fix scatter_piecharts example * :ghpull:`9956`: BUG: clear events before destroying windows in tkagg * :ghpull:`9949`: fix docstring in ToolManager * :ghpull:`9641`: Implement Qt4 backend by fully reexporting Qt5 backend. * :ghpull:`9932`: Support pgi as alternative gobject bindings. * :ghpull:`9986`: Remove unused import in toolmanager example * :ghpull:`9968`: Deprecate pyplot.axes with an Axes argument * :ghpull:`9962`: toolbar checkbutton fix bug in tkinter python3.6 * :ghpull:`9981`: DOC: Add alpha compositing note to "matplotlib.pyplot.imshow" definition. * :ghpull:`9969`: Numpydoc conversion and clarification of some AxesBase docstrings * :ghpull:`9946`: Clean up legend docstrings * :ghpull:`9951`: Improve documentation on Axes position * :ghpull:`9964`: Update Axes docs on aspect-related methods * :ghpull:`9385`: Bump test coverage of Qt5 UI. * :ghpull:`9958`: FIX: put Nav Home view back inside pan/zoom * :ghpull:`9945`: Only label vertical lines in acorr * :ghpull:`9930`: Cleanup pyplot.axes() * :ghpull:`9942`: Minor doc formatting cleanups in pyplot * :ghpull:`9933`: Fix Rectange.get_bbox() * :ghpull:`9929`: In tests, remove unused imports and sort some remaining imports. * :ghpull:`9928`: Cleanup delaxes() * :ghpull:`9750`: Use command keys for window shortcuts in Qt on OSX * :ghpull:`9072`: Use left/right top/bottom instead of width/height in Rectangle * :ghpull:`9917`: Unify (parametrize) test_composite across backends. * :ghpull:`9919`: In unit/memleak, write to in-memory buffer instead of file. * :ghpull:`9916`: backend_agg cleanup. * :ghpull:`9915`: Deprecate unused FigureManagerBase.show_popup. * :ghpull:`9825`: Deprecate Artist.onRemove, Artist.hitlist. * :ghpull:`9513`: Switch to makefile-based doc build. * :ghpull:`9865`: less_simple_linear_interpolation can be replaced by np.interp. * :ghpull:`9904`: Deprecate unused ContourLabeler.get_real_label_width. * :ghpull:`9881`: Polar tick fixes * :ghpull:`9028`: Modified rrulewraper to handle timezone-aware datetimes. * :ghpull:`9900`: DOC: Updates multiprocessing example. * :ghpull:`9907`: DOC: (subjectively) nicer annotated barchart example * :ghpull:`9448`: Fix instance of 'RendererPS' has no 'tex' member * :ghpull:`9899`: make SubplotTool into a modal dialog, keep ref to SubplotTool * :ghpull:`9889`: Deprecate 'normed' kwarg to hist * :ghpull:`9421`: Improve reprs of transforms. * :ghpull:`9897`: changed line to 'alias for set_multialignment' * :ghpull:`9875`: Additions to the documentation guide * :ghpull:`9878`: TST: Lock pytest to 3.2.5 until 3.3.1 released * :ghpull:`9805`: Update documentation guide * :ghpull:`9836`: ENH/MacOS Allow shift modifiers to key events * :ghpull:`9860`: Vectorize and document simple_linear_interpolation. * :ghpull:`9869`: Clean tmpdir at exit. * :ghpull:`9781`: Convert LineCollection docstring to numpydoc * :ghpull:`9862`: PRF: Don't used MaskedArray in Aitoff transform. * :ghpull:`9854`: Exclude dviread.Text from the documentation. * :ghpull:`9861`: Remove some unused imports; reword/remarkup some docstrings. * :ghpull:`9857`: documentation: fix url for pillow * :ghpull:`9811`: dynamically finding the backend preferred format for button images * :ghpull:`9841`: ENH: make interval_multiples work for years * :ghpull:`9826`: Deprecate column cycling when plot() inputs have nonmatching shapes. * :ghpull:`9852`: Simplify the pyplot animation demo. * :ghpull:`9853`: Move image_slices_viewer example from animation to event_handling. * :ghpull:`9848`: Fix typo in axis api doc * :ghpull:`9846`: Move enumeration of text tutorial into table. * :ghpull:`9827`: DOC: add more tutorial to text/text_intro * :ghpull:`9773`: MNT: Make sure AppVeyor fails if tests fail * :ghpull:`9806`: Remove call to nonexistent FT2Font.get_fontsize. * :ghpull:`9816`: ENH: add pad kwarg to set_title * :ghpull:`9817`: API: do not truncate svg size to integer points * :ghpull:`9599`: Unify the three Qt5 embedding examples. * :ghpull:`9803`: Add links to python's strftime method * :ghpull:`9807`: Simplify test_tinypages. * :ghpull:`9790`: Link GridSpec docs to SubplotParams paramter descriptions * :ghpull:`9311`: Update docs on docs. * :ghpull:`9794`: DOC: for datetime64 support * :ghpull:`9779`: ENH: support np.datenum64 in dates.py * :ghpull:`9654`: Correctly convert units for a stacked histogram * :ghpull:`9670`: Make tick_left/right keep labels off if they are already off * :ghpull:`9723`: ENH: Catch masked array and invalid x, y to pcolormesh * :ghpull:`9766`: Fix mixed_subplots example * :ghpull:`9255`: New color blind-friendly color cycle * :ghpull:`9756`: DOC removing pyplot_annotate.py * :ghpull:`9759`: blocking_input: Fix "manager" attr check * :ghpull:`9313`: [MRG] Replace verbose class with standard logging library * :ghpull:`9743`: FIX: check if contour level in format dictionary, or return a default * :ghpull:`9753`: FIX: Detrending before windowing _spectral_helper * :ghpull:`9752`: DOC: example demo_parasite_axes2.py broken on 2.1.0 * :ghpull:`9587`: Remove unused example with no plot * :ghpull:`9715`: Change set_figwidth/height to be consistent w/ set_size_inches * :ghpull:`9657`: Add API note about MovieWriterRegistry exception * :ghpull:`9748`: Reword subplot() doc. * :ghpull:`9379`: ENH: Added __repr__ for Figure * :ghpull:`9724`: Fix PDFpages bug * :ghpull:`9726`: FIX/TST: update tests for pandas 0.21 * :ghpull:`9677`: Rely more on lru_cache rather than custom caching. * :ghpull:`9698`: Set widget background color to white. * :ghpull:`9733`: Allow _BackendNbAgg.show() to take keyword "block" * :ghpull:`9732`: Added mention of WCSAxes in the third-party packages page * :ghpull:`9711`: Minor markup fix. * :ghpull:`9718`: Revert "Axes.__init__ speedup" * :ghpull:`8626`: Axes.__init__ speedup * :ghpull:`9662`: Fix crash when restarting OSX single shot timer * :ghpull:`9461`: Property tables * :ghpull:`9684`: Make some more of figure.py numpydoc * :ghpull:`9703`: Deprecate Artist.is_figure_set. * :ghpull:`9697`: Raise minimum WX version to 2.9. * :ghpull:`9705`: Fix scatterplot categorical support * :ghpull:`9687`: Fix callbackregistry docstring. * :ghpull:`9689`: Updates to font-related examples. * :ghpull:`9690`: Move example in wrong folder * :ghpull:`9678`: Remove a few unnecessary global statements. * :ghpull:`9685`: Trivial aliases. * :ghpull:`9566`: Update API examples * :ghpull:`9680`: Actually install the deps on Appveyor. * :ghpull:`9481`: Apply hinting factor rcParam in all cases. * :ghpull:`9676`: FIX: Catch IOError on font-cache write * :ghpull:`9673`: On CI, just let pip resolve most dependencies. * :ghpull:`9649`: Reoder Axes API docs. * :ghpull:`9658`: Pin pandas on appveyor too * :ghpull:`9665`: Update agg_oo_sgskip.py * :ghpull:`9661`: Fix arcs with very large width/height. * :ghpull:`9510`: BLD: Fix some bugs in ``setupext.py`` * :ghpull:`9646`: Convert dviread to use lru_cache. * :ghpull:`9648`: Correct https git URIs in documentation * :ghpull:`9614`: Added an entry for mpl-scatter-density in the third-party tools page * :ghpull:`9640`: Remove unused global cmd_split variable. * :ghpull:`9532`: Further improve colormap discussion. * :ghpull:`9324`: [MRG] Allow kwarg handles and labels figure.legend and make doc for kwargs the same * :ghpull:`9643`: More helpful error if requested MovieWriter not available * :ghpull:`9359`: Keep track of axes in interactive navigation. * :ghpull:`9389`: Assign event to later Axes if zorders are tied. * :ghpull:`9612`: Only set view/data intervals if axis is set in AutoDateLocator * :ghpull:`9627`: Move old logo to history page. * :ghpull:`9624`: DOC: move whats_new entry to next_whats_new folder * :ghpull:`9625`: STY: remove trailing whitespace * :ghpull:`9600`: Fix some widget docstrings. * :ghpull:`9617`: Pin pandas<0.21 to unbreak the build. * :ghpull:`9515`: Attribute users/intro to JDH and rename to history. * :ghpull:`9615`: Do not hardcode fill=False in mark_inset * :ghpull:`9262`: Minor doc markup fixes. * :ghpull:`9603`: Fix xkcd() not resetting context anymore. * :ghpull:`9604`: Gridspec doc fixes * :ghpull:`9008`: adding webagg.address parameter to rcParams * :ghpull:`9519`: Increase patch test coverage * :ghpull:`9497`: Test simplifications. * :ghpull:`9536`: Simplify declaration of install_requires. * :ghpull:`9601`: Fix PEP8 in stackplot * :ghpull:`9595`: Convert stackplot docstring to numpydoc * :ghpull:`9589`: Fix typo in isinstance * :ghpull:`9523`: Add capstyle and joinstyle attributes to Collection class (Issue #8277) * :ghpull:`9584`: Add returns documentation to fill_between methods * :ghpull:`9575`: Add some legend handler documentation * :ghpull:`9477`: In LogTransform, clip after log, not before. * :ghpull:`9568`: Add a proper docstring to AutoLocator * :ghpull:`9569`: Docstring fix. * :ghpull:`9564`: TST: add test of normed histogram with unequal bins * :ghpull:`9552`: animation: Remove examples keyword * :ghpull:`9555`: MRG: expand docstring for ``hist`` * :ghpull:`9469`: FIX: PyQt versions where showing the Qt versions * :ghpull:`9549`: Fix stale draws on MacOSX backend * :ghpull:`9544`: adding links to color examples and tutorials in the api page * :ghpull:`9540`: DOC fix set_xticklabels docstring * :ghpull:`9442`: BUG: Fix ``_extent`` not set in PcolorImage * :ghpull:`9363`: Allow invalid limits when panning * :ghpull:`9292`: Fix TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' * :ghpull:`9530`: DOC Added the colormap references back * :ghpull:`9517`: Convert slider docstrings to numpydoc * :ghpull:`9516`: Make colorbar docstring numpydoc * :ghpull:`9504`: Truncate windows registry entries after null byte. * :ghpull:`9484`: Force installation of wx from whl, not from pypi. * :ghpull:`9300`: Simplify mpl.testing._copy_metadata. * :ghpull:`9508`: CI: do not run pushes to the auto-backport branches * :ghpull:`9506`: fix typo in rst markup * :ghpull:`7739`: WIP: Fix artifact upload * :ghpull:`9396`: Fix minor bug in vertex insert * :ghpull:`9478`: Added description to widget example programs except Cursor and Menu * :ghpull:`9164`: include overspilling axes legends in ax.get_tightbbox * :ghpull:`9495`: Macosx fixes * :ghpull:`9465`: Avoid dividing by zero in AutoMinorLocator (fixes #8804) * :ghpull:`9425`: Minor fixes to plot_directive. * :ghpull:`9486`: Don't leak test.jpeg into cwd while testing. * :ghpull:`9490`: No need to fake sets with dicts anymore. * :ghpull:`9487`: Improve test_backend_svg.test_determinism. * :ghpull:`9483`: DOC Demote container headings one level Artist tutorial (minor) * :ghpull:`9447`: Update examples for axisgrid1 * :ghpull:`9121`: Remove old normalising code from plt.hist * :ghpull:`9293`: minor (unrelated) cleanups * :ghpull:`9459`: Modified restrictions on ``margins`` method * :ghpull:`9473`: Changes to better highlight development-workflow in docs * :ghpull:`9423`: Mark the interactive backend test as flaky. * :ghpull:`9476`: Get rid of a few unnecessary line continuations in strings. * :ghpull:`9435`: Shadow patch now initializes zorder behind argument patch * :ghpull:`9472`: documentation fix regarding contour and tricontour (#9088) * :ghpull:`9456`: Documented the incompatibility of shrink and cax kwargs in colorbar. * :ghpull:`9378`: DOC: fill out dev docs * :ghpull:`9464`: Fix multiple unreferenced local variable warnings * :ghpull:`9463`: DOC: Re-enable next what's new entries. * :ghpull:`9451`: custom legends example * :ghpull:`9137`: Adds option for Slider to snap to discrete values * :ghpull:`9441`: STY: fix bad indentation * :ghpull:`9449`: TST: Enable xdist on Appveyor * :ghpull:`9444`: STY: Remove explicit return in __init__ * :ghpull:`9452`: FIX: Always update tick labels (fixes #9397) * :ghpull:`9438`: Remove unused variable 'sign' * :ghpull:`9418`: TST: Disable faulthandler on Windows if CPython 3.6-3.6.3 * :ghpull:`9440`: Remove reimport of modules * :ghpull:`9439`: Fix undefined variable 'warnings' * :ghpull:`9437`: Fix Undefined variable 'symbol' * :ghpull:`9424`: Minor fixes to gallery build. * :ghpull:`9432`: Correct minor typo * :ghpull:`9420`: Trivial doc fixes. * :ghpull:`9427`: Fix NameError: name 'exc' is not defined * :ghpull:`9428`: Fix NameError: name 'ArgumentError' is not defined * :ghpull:`9409`: TST: Fix flaky tests order * :ghpull:`9408`: updating color cycle tutorial * :ghpull:`9415`: Import time module so that pyplot.pause works * :ghpull:`9410`: BUG: Fix savefig GUI in GTK backend * :ghpull:`9254`: imshow transparency blend example * :ghpull:`9403`: MAINT Documentation on doc is outdated * :ghpull:`9367`: Tell user to try installing pkg-config if packages not found * :ghpull:`9383`: Increase axes test coverage * :ghpull:`9401`: FIX scipy is not a requirement * :ghpull:`9392`: Add examples for subplots_axes_and_figures * :ghpull:`9394`: [Doc] Add pcolor, contour, imshow to and other small changes * :ghpull:`9395`: TST: Unblock Appveyor build by patching ``subprocess`` * :ghpull:`9347`: Fix backend refactor * :ghpull:`9365`: If PIL.image is missing, tell user to install pillow * :ghpull:`9381`: Add tutorials to the Users Guide. * :ghpull:`9343`: Fix broken link to proxy artists documentation * :ghpull:`9368`: Add link to Matplotlib paper on citing page * :ghpull:`9375`: Document get_{x,y}axis_transform more prominently. * :ghpull:`9376`: Fix docstring typo in Rectangle, Ellipse, and Spine. * :ghpull:`9353`: Fix edgecolor being only applied to first bar. * :ghpull:`9335`: Fix poorly done deprecations in image.py. * :ghpull:`9341`: Update descriptions for images_contours_and_fields * :ghpull:`9342`: Fix typo of pixels in legend_handler.py * :ghpull:`9333`: Add descriptions for remaining event handling examples * :ghpull:`9279`: Update doc strings * :ghpull:`9242`: Errorbar bugfix * :ghpull:`9323`: Axis user guide * :ghpull:`9328`: Fix NameError: name 'os' is not defined * :ghpull:`9309`: DOC: Update docstring to numpy format for last few functions in transforms * :ghpull:`9291`: Doc updates * :ghpull:`9299`: Restore better error message on std::runtime_error. * :ghpull:`9295`: In text, warn and return instead of raise exception for non-finite x, y * :ghpull:`9303`: Don't use pytest.filterwarings, which needs pytest>=3.2. * :ghpull:`9289`: Throw std::runtime_exception instead of char*. * :ghpull:`9268`: Fix documents of semilogx and semilogy. * :ghpull:`9286`: Ask Appveyor to ignore certain branches. * :ghpull:`9277`: plot_surface docstring + edge case fix * :ghpull:`9278`: Remove scatter_profile example. * :ghpull:`9272`: Include the default of "plot_pre_code" of the plot directive in the documentation Issues (422): * :ghissue:`10740`: table.table fails with KeyError (legacy python and mpl 2.2.0 only) * :ghissue:`10722`: Duplicated test name in test_constrainedlayout * :ghissue:`10732`: Calling ``properties()`` on ``Table`` raises exception * :ghissue:`10784`: axes.legend TypeError in v2.2.0 * :ghissue:`10410`: eventplot alters data in some cases * :ghissue:`10786`: ImportError, library not loaded for libc++abi.1.dylib * :ghissue:`10419`: svg backend does not respect alpha channel of text *when passed as rgba* * :ghissue:`10785`: TkAgg reports bad option 'foobar' for icon with ``logging`` set to INFO level * :ghissue:`10783`: Adding an empty matplotlibrc in cwd changes the rcparams * :ghissue:`10769`: DOC: set_major_locator could check that its getting a Locator (was EngFormatter broken?) * :ghissue:`10770`: subplots with qt5agg backend flashes frame on windows desktop * :ghissue:`10753`: PDF saved as raster graphic when plt.savefig is given a Path object * :ghissue:`10729`: Animation saving via ffmpeg stops after some 300 frames * :ghissue:`10716`: Removal of verbose not documented: AttributeError: module 'matplotlib' has no attribute 'verbose' * :ghissue:`10758`: [PyInstaller] Failed import of cbook due to upgrade to matplolib 2.2.0 * :ghissue:`10755`: AttributeError: module 'matplotlib' has no attribute 'verbose' * :ghissue:`10727`: Doc issue: ConnectorPatch -> ConnectionPatch * :ghissue:`10719`: Need better type error checking for linewidth in ax.grid * :ghissue:`10749`: When I saved graph in JPG format it's outer axis are no longer present. * :ghissue:`10750`: Are there any methods to stop the moving point showing again in python package matplotlib * :ghissue:`10644`: autoscaling only one side of an axis * :ghissue:`10698`: Build fails in clang i386 * :ghissue:`10738`: Suggestion: improve mark_inset by letting user choose all four corners (locs) * :ghissue:`5742`: ``Axes3DSubplot.plot`` not setting data limits correctly when ``zdir='x'`` or ``zdir='y'`` * :ghissue:`4413`: Long axis title alters xaxis length and direction with ``plt.tight_layout()`` * :ghissue:`3926`: Feature request: place axes relative to other axes, with automatic updating * :ghissue:`10709`: How ._cntr should be imported on Matplotlib (LTS) 2.2.0 * :ghissue:`10654`: PySmithPlot/Polar Plot update broken in 2.1.2 (works in 2.0.2) * :ghissue:`7776`: tex cache lockfile retries should be configurable * :ghissue:`10556`: Special conversions of xrange() * :ghissue:`10060`: Dragged legend moves upon resizing figure window * :ghissue:`10501`: cmp() is an undefined name in Python 3 * :ghissue:`10655`: constrainedlayout is very slow for large number of subplots * :ghissue:`4749`: Incorrect dependency handling from local pip * :ghissue:`9812`: figure_enter_event generates base Event and not LocationEvent * :ghissue:`10677`: Bug: Example from matplotlib.afm not working * :ghissue:`10673`: Creating a 6 DoF plot of a quadcopter. * :ghissue:`10671`: %gui wx crashes jupyter notebook kernel * :ghissue:`10670`: matplotlib power spectral density (PSD) normalize * :ghissue:`10567`: imshow in 2.1: color resolution depends on outliers? * :ghissue:`10616`: get error when show a picture(image) : 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'mask' * :ghissue:`10627`: Surprising alignment of (multiple) colorbars with constrained layout active * :ghissue:`10647`: matplotlib with joblib with requests hangs * :ghissue:`10617`: Can't save pgfs with text and dates * :ghissue:`10630`: Adding NCL colortables to default matplotlib colormaps * :ghissue:`10641`: Take too much memory and too long to save into figure * :ghissue:`10619`: bar plot fails with units * :ghissue:`10637`: I have already installed matplotlib function using the command : sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib. * :ghissue:`10585`: searborn adaptation need for Matptotlib-2.2.0rc1 * :ghissue:`10620`: Error comparing label colors on duplicated labels * :ghissue:`10494`: Keeping matplotlibrc.templace up to date * :ghissue:`10382`: More documentation ``mlab`` deprecation. * :ghissue:`10555`: Initial plot window ignoring rcParams figure.figsize * :ghissue:`10611`: issue with matplotlib.add_subplot documentation * :ghissue:`10602`: Random image failures with test_curvelinear4 * :ghissue:`10496`: exception after clicking ok when editing axis curve info on 3d plot * :ghissue:`10582`: Creating colorbar for manual axes broken * :ghissue:`6412`: EventCollection._is_horizontal remains uninitialized, causing eventplot error * :ghissue:`10583`: I have problems with display Arabic words in the plots, the words became backward, how can I solve it * :ghissue:`10580`: Figures plotting in local display * :ghissue:`10576`: legend in wrong place with wrong labels * :ghissue:`10560`: fig.savefig alters the dimensions of the figure * :ghissue:`10526`: In Axes.hist, 'range' kwarg shadows builtin 'range' needed for Py3 * :ghissue:`10398`: plt.hist density argument does not function as described. * :ghissue:`10547`: set_xticks does not work with x data type str * :ghissue:`10543`: pyqt error while importing pyqt5 * :ghissue:`10476`: Version 2.2.0rc1 triggers TypeError * :ghissue:`10516`: _macosx.m fails to compile on Mac OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard * :ghissue:`10458`: Draggable legend changes position when saving figure with DPI value different from display * :ghissue:`10517`: overlapping lines in matplotlib library * :ghissue:`10500`: show() is an undefined name in backend_webagg.py * :ghissue:`10479`: TclError in TkAgg with version 2.2.0rc1 * :ghissue:`10397`: wxPython Phoenix release 4.0.0 will not plot * :ghissue:`9972`: drag/pan error when mouse click is not 1 or 3 * :ghissue:`9222`: Anaconda python spyder systematically crash when multiple plot savefig * :ghissue:`6269`: MemoryError In copy_from_bbox * :ghissue:`7795`: Incorrect uses of is_numlike * :ghissue:`10453`: broken link in lib/matplotlib/dates.py comment * :ghissue:`4319`: Documentation table of contents doesn't go deep enough * :ghissue:`5731`: Move from numpydoc to sphinxcontrib-napoleon * :ghissue:`3187`: moderize? boxplot demo * :ghissue:`7978`: Warnings in doc build * :ghissue:`10457`: Navigation history broken in matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9065`: google indexes dev-docs * :ghissue:`10391`: ax.get_legend().get_title().get_visible() does not work * :ghissue:`9876`: Outlining of devel/documenting_matplotlib * :ghissue:`10358`: Clarify documentation for fig.add_subplot() * :ghissue:`10016`: Example of radar chart (matplotlib v.2.1.1) doesn't work * :ghissue:`9642`: contour_doc not rendered properly * :ghissue:`1109`: MEP for a matplotlib geometry manager * :ghissue:`10202`: error in construction of inverted log transforms * :ghissue:`10434`: ``pip install matplotlib`` when Matplotlib is already installed fails because it tries to get unnecessary dependencies * :ghissue:`6078`: mpl_event * :ghissue:`9543`: Image interpolation gives slightly different result on 32-bit Python * :ghissue:`10430`: find points which lies strictly inside the polygon * :ghissue:`9312`: categorical axis sorts its keys * :ghissue:`10424`: Confusing log message from GridSpec * :ghissue:`9336`: Integer Categorical Values Not Getting Mapped Correctly * :ghissue:`9350`: Data types not preserved in categoricals * :ghissue:`9843`: Are categorical plots with single letter strings limited to show 10 categories? * :ghissue:`9112`: PDFPages Errors on savefig (missing encode) * :ghissue:`10418`: wxagg is broken as of master * :ghissue:`10406`: Matplotlib stylesheet warnings: Key boxplot.medianprops.color: 'C1' does not look like a color arg`` * :ghissue:`9147`: broken links in docs * :ghissue:`4974`: make color abbrivations configurable * :ghissue:`3690`: Using Ctrl-W to close a matplotlib window opened by exec-ing a script in wxpython causes a segfault under linux * :ghissue:`10386`: Make kiwisolver an optional dependency? * :ghissue:`10174`: Rendering problems with FigureCanvasWxAgg on OSX * :ghissue:`9035`: savefig does put the correct dpi in the metadata of jpeg * :ghissue:`5750`: whish for 2016: matplotlib can use only Pillow 3.0+ to create animated GIF * :ghissue:`9717`: gtk3agg not working with python 3.6.3 & cairocffi 1.10.0 * :ghissue:`6973`: Running pytest against non develop install fails * :ghissue:`6836`: DOC: missing second y-axis in ``demo_parasite_axes2`` * :ghissue:`5428`: Change ``setup.py install`` recommendation to ``pip install .`` * :ghissue:`4978`: Use higher-resolution icons on HiDPI-friendly backends * :ghissue:`4907`: mpl_toolkits not installed with ``pip install -e .`` * :ghissue:`3446`: Add note about CHM security issues * :ghissue:`3267`: Why does rec2csv ignore float precision? * :ghissue:`10343`: Missing keys in matplotlibrc.template to move x-axis labels to top * :ghissue:`10267`: matplotlibrc: new entry for placing y-axis tick label on Right or Left hand side. * :ghissue:`10384`: maybe bugs in ax.annotate when get bbox coordinates(matplot-2.1.0)? * :ghissue:`7155`: use categorical in demos * :ghissue:`6802`: Discrete scatter? * :ghissue:`9974`: toolbar.update() breaks history * :ghissue:`10373`: cannot import matplotlib.pyplot * :ghissue:`10368`: constrained layout uneven gridspec layouts... * :ghissue:`9391`: imshow doesn't normalize the color range in RGB images * :ghissue:`5382`: imsave and imshow ignore vmin/vmax * :ghissue:`10372`: Floating point image RGB values must be in the 0..1 range * :ghissue:`10349`: Rectangle patch added to a datetime x-axis is plotted with the wrong width * :ghissue:`10344`: matplotlib can not handle pandas dataframe correctly when the label of the columns/index is strings but the actual data are float. * :ghissue:`8308`: Too many open files: '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/web_backend/mpl.js' * :ghissue:`10341`: syntax error without a space * :ghissue:`10338`: line.set_drawstyle fails to produce step-like line * :ghissue:`8852`: Rolling image if the FFMpegWriter dpi setting does not match that specified when a figure is created * :ghissue:`10287`: _tkinter.TclError: can't invoke "wm" command: application has been destroyed * :ghissue:`7640`: Some properties are set lazily and behaved inconsistently * :ghissue:`4346`: Tick label padding on first y-axis changes when adding a second y-axis * :ghissue:`5560`: Secondary_y axis default limit (top) & bound (upper) not matching ticks * :ghissue:`8823`: colorbar might shrink plots if used with twinx * :ghissue:`10318`: Matplotlib Sample Outdated? * :ghissue:`8736`: Figure resize when saving a plot * :ghissue:`10216`: TST: gdb has been removed from Travis * :ghissue:`10290`: Figure rotation using Axes.text () with eps backend * :ghissue:`10300`: How to use triplot to make a multi-color line of the triangular * :ghissue:`8820`: Regression with numpy ~~1.13~~ 1.14 for colorbars of boolean data * :ghissue:`5968`: Accepting pathlib.Path as path inputs? * :ghissue:`10285`: Picture in online documentation for multi_image.py is cut off at bottom * :ghissue:`10229`: ENH: Add imageio as an option for saving animated gifs * :ghissue:`10288`: issue with version of six * :ghissue:`10151`: Question on docstring and signature of Axes.stem() * :ghissue:`10073`: datetime and sub-second resolution plotting * :ghissue:`10277`: error import matplotlib.pyplot as plt * :ghissue:`10265`: ENH tripcolor with explicit RGB colors * :ghissue:`10262`: OrderedDict legends no longer work 2.1 * :ghissue:`10162`: Increase of Computation time from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 * :ghissue:`6884`: MPLRC environment variable to set rcparams * :ghissue:`10252`: Can't Import Matplotlib.pyplot - Anaconda 4.4, Python 3.6 & Windows 10 * :ghissue:`10072`: imshow doesn't properly display some images * :ghissue:`7797`: Quiver barb size not correct on some arches (ppc64, ppc64le...) * :ghissue:`5873`: Useless Dvi dispatch docs in dvi_read api docs * :ghissue:`10251`: I have determined a color for each data point pragmatically and I have 11 set of x(time) and y(subjects) and I want to make plots for these values(x values) and these colors will be used for the data points on the plots. * :ghissue:`5568`: Latin Modern support? * :ghissue:`5208`: MathTex Font error * :ghissue:`5250`: Font-weight range seems wrong * :ghissue:`3531`: sundry documentation issues * :ghissue:`6716`: ``cleanup`` decorator implemented in an obfuscated way * :ghissue:`9160`: blank space vs. white space * :ghissue:`524`: improving mpl docs and accessibility for API users * :ghissue:`4313`: Document installation with pip for Python3 * :ghissue:`6626`: Error in example http://matplotlib.org/examples/misc/multiprocess.html * :ghissue:`8152`: test_fontconfig_fonts error on Linux wheel testing * :ghissue:`7917`: Docstring of EventCollection cuts mid-sentence. * :ghissue:`9906`: Incorrect alpha compositing using "matplotlib.pyplot.imshow". * :ghissue:`10069`: Add what's new entry for new color comparision method * :ghissue:`10221`: savefig() does not support PosixPath object for file name * :ghissue:`10205`: matplotlib. * :ghissue:`9040`: 'Figure' object has no attribute '_original_dpi' * :ghissue:`5703`: Python 2.6 string format syntax errors in matplotlib 1.4.3 * :ghissue:`10163`: savefig with eps draws a hidden axis * :ghissue:`2508`: Relim not working correctly with images * :ghissue:`10140`: Qt5Agg eats 100% CPU when plotting with block=True in interactive mode * :ghissue:`10122`: Color bar has multiple labels for 0 if matplotlib.colors.SymLogNorm is used * :ghissue:`10130`: Bar plot does not work * :ghissue:`10135`: matplotlib installation from source and numpy incompatibility * :ghissue:`10123`: memory leak with histograms * :ghissue:`9887`: polar limits not snapping to 0 * :ghissue:`9429`: Undefined name ``baseline``? * :ghissue:`8547`: Allow scalar ``weights`` parameter to ``hist`` method * :ghissue:`10115`: pcolor vs pcolorfast: unexpected white edgecolors using RGBA-alike colormaps * :ghissue:`9200`: Documentation: File doc/users/whats_new/README does not exist * :ghissue:`10078`: updating to release 2.1.1 causes pip to stop working * :ghissue:`9597`: Plot with ``drawstyle="steps"`` fails if x and y are empty * :ghissue:`8390`: Can't install matplotlib from source due to recent addition of QHULL_LIB_CHECK to src/qhull_wrap.c * :ghissue:`8872`: Build errors with existing qhull * :ghissue:`10053`: Duplicate legend labels with different colors can often result in an error. * :ghissue:`10056`: Only one legend entry is rendered for items with the same label and color * :ghissue:`10037`: Documentation mistake in the pyplot introductory tutorial * :ghissue:`9973`: Slightly misleading errorbar docs that interferes with attempt to animate errorbar * :ghissue:`10012`: TST: ``mlab.cohere`` needs a test * :ghissue:`9996`: Remove badges from website side bar * :ghissue:`8493`: Colorbar documentation: ``anchor`` not recognized as possible argument to plt.colorbar * :ghissue:`8668`: handles keyword argument not documented in the help of legend * :ghissue:`10015`: TKWindow unrecognized selector error * :ghissue:`5507`: DLL load failed: cannot find specified procedure when importing matplotlib.pyplot * :ghissue:`7939`: Mathtext.py glyph mapping fails for StixFonts (UnicodeFonts subclass) * :ghissue:`4167`: No SVG/PDF export when useing latex package cmbrigth * :ghissue:`4109`: WXAgg embedded navigation zoom, home, back not working * :ghissue:`3848`: PGF Backend with LuaLaTeX: Permission denied error * :ghissue:`10007`: nonposx and nonposy * :ghissue:`9940`: Deprecate Axes as a valid pyplot.axes() argument type * :ghissue:`10005`: matplotlib.pyplot.figlegend not working with Patches * :ghissue:`10003`: Typo in mlab.cohere * :ghissue:`9988`: Contours are not removed correctly when using clabel with manual * :ghissue:`9185`: Problem in Scatter-Piecharts example * :ghissue:`9856`: Python crashes when closing figures using TkAgg on Mac OS * :ghissue:`9977`: Error shows when I import matplotlib after installation * :ghissue:`9935`: QT5 AttributeError pixelDelta * :ghissue:`9943`: toolmanager_sgskip + tkagg example couples "GroupHide" toggle with Pan and (second) Zoom * :ghissue:`8347`: font_manager.py Bug * :ghissue:`4575`: nbagg canvas size * :ghissue:`9983`: ImportError: ZLIB_1.2.9 not found * :ghissue:`9982`: ``````'module' object has no attribute 'subplots'`````` when importing with ``````__import__`````` * :ghissue:`9954`: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, ImportError: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory * :ghissue:`9980`: Cannot update to MPL v2.1.1 on Anaconda * :ghissue:`7502`: Rely on Sphinx' "any" role to make docstrings more legible * :ghissue:`9976`: ax.set_aspect triggers useless warnings * :ghissue:`9965`: subplots ignores figsize argument * :ghissue:`9863`: Y-axis value of a seaborn heatmap is reversed when home icon or H button is pushed * :ghissue:`9944`: Acorr() creates two labels * :ghissue:`9939`: Matplotlib scatterplot does not work with pandas timestamp/datetime format * :ghissue:`2140`: Make Cmd-W close the window using QT4 on OS X * :ghissue:`4916`: Cannot use a timedelta Rectangle width with a datetime axis * :ghissue:`5798`: Use Makefile for sphinx build * :ghissue:`9739`: doc inconsistency: definition of "aspect" * :ghissue:`9018`: DayLocator is returning incorrect times around daylights switch over * :ghissue:`7388`: Example examples/misc/multiprocess.py may not be python3 compatible? * :ghissue:`9898`: using ``xs=..., ys=...`` on ax.scatter 2D raises error * :ghissue:`9864`: Missing ``normed`` parameter description in matplotlib.pyplot.hist * :ghissue:`9896`: Simple documentation typo * :ghissue:`9895`: Sequential colormaps doesn't reach 100 lightness (pure white) * :ghissue:`9893`: Bug with setting minor tick marks on plots * :ghissue:`9890`: how to autoscale y axis in different [x1,x2] range? * :ghissue:`9835`: Shift+Arrow key events not detected in osx backend * :ghissue:`9879`: Usage FAQ section missing in 2.1.0 documentation * :ghissue:`9786`: Consistent Documentation Guide for Docstrings * :ghissue:`2259`: dates.date2num no longer works with numpy.datetime64 * :ghissue:`9868`: Infinite number of /tmp/matplotlib-* dirs on machine without HOME env variable * :ghissue:`8039`: "savefig" bug with unicode characters (version 2.0.0) * :ghissue:`9834`: console gets stuck when creating figure * :ghissue:`9866`: ValueError: ordinal must be >= 1 * :ghissue:`9130`: axes.get_tightbbox doesn't include legends... * :ghissue:`9302`: ENH: Switch from verbose to logging for warnings and logging * :ghissue:`9531`: Improve Colormap example. * :ghissue:`9838`: YearLocator should prefer ticks at the turn of the decade * :ghissue:`9784`: plot(2D, 2D) will cycle through the input columns even with non-matching shapes * :ghissue:`9719`: Appveyor passing, even when tests are failing * :ghissue:`9849`: Crash when scroll on figure * :ghissue:`1257`: Support for hierarchical labeling of bar-plots * :ghissue:`9833`: Visibility of pane edges in 3d figures * :ghissue:`9840`: quiver angles array UnboundLocalError: local variable 'lengths' referenced before assignment * :ghissue:`9828`: Can't pickle plots with date axes (from pandas) * :ghissue:`9823`: Missing __init__.py file in mpl_toolkits * :ghissue:`9822`: Cloud any one experience the below error while installing 'pyplot' package * :ghissue:`9788`: font_manager calls nonexistent method FT2Font.get_fontsize * :ghissue:`9436`: Instance of 'TextBox' has no 'observers' member? * :ghissue:`9820`: Borders appear only for the first bar in the bar plot. * :ghissue:`9744`: *frac* in set_thetagrids() doesn't work * :ghissue:`9819`: Multi-page PDF file size jumps since 2.0.0 * :ghissue:`9818`: edgecolor arg set to scalar applies to the first bar in bar() method * :ghissue:`9610`: provide converters for datetime64 types * :ghissue:`9815`: svg backend truncates output size to integer, which it doesn't need to (and pdf backend doesn't) * :ghissue:`9785`: ``zorder=None`` not properly handled * :ghissue:`9735`: 2.1.0 sdist does not allow building docs * :ghissue:`9809`: legend() fails when data set with empty error bars has been plotted * :ghissue:`9808`: inconsistent hatch and border color in barh in matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`7200`: Default locator for log-scale messes up minor ticks sometimes * :ghissue:`9798`: PdfPages and PdfFile closing error * :ghissue:`5541`: errorbar of (x,y) data on semilogx plot with NaN in x throws ValueError if errorbar() command initializes the axes * :ghissue:`9791`: Contour plot doesn't show if setting "manual=True" in plt.clabel() * :ghissue:`9780`: Dotted grid lines have different individual dot sizes in pdf files * :ghissue:`5898`: Error on datetime data in stacked histogram plot * :ghissue:`8982`: Backend MacOSX keyboard not working * :ghissue:`9771`: Error in matplotlib with datetime64 with pandas 0.21.0 * :ghissue:`9256`: reading truncated png can segfault python * :ghissue:`9664`: Change in behavior of axis.tick_left() with shared axes from 2.0 to 2.1 * :ghissue:`9358`: zoom/pan stack bug in 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9720`: plt.pcolormesh stopped working with Masked Arrays * :ghissue:`1668`: Support .otf fonts * :ghissue:`9758`: plt.ginput broken on 2.1.0: plot does not appear * :ghissue:`2203`: Allow negative radial grid values in polar.py * :ghissue:`6026`: bad behaviour on DateFormatter on y-axis --> polar vs normal plot * :ghissue:`9742`: clabel raises KeyError with level on boundary since matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9669`: Make forward=True default consistent across size changing methods * :ghissue:`9751`: inconsistency in the algorithm for calculating cross spectral densities * :ghissue:`5837`: Cannot start tkinter-based example on Python 3.5.1 using Mac Homebrew for Python and Tk * :ghissue:`2422`: PDF backend on OS X 10.8 creates PDFs that are viewable in Adobe Reader, but not in Preview or QuickLook * :ghissue:`9740`: doc infelicities on subaxes * :ghissue:`9651`: "block" keyword unrecognized in 2.1 in notebook backend * :ghissue:`9716`: Large size of plots saved as pdf * :ghissue:`9741`: Missing arguments in call to exception_handler * :ghissue:`9729`: plt.pause() with notebook backend causes error * :ghissue:`8122`: keyword labelrotation is not recognized * :ghissue:`9655`: Segmentation fault when starting a timer a second time (MacOS X backend) * :ghissue:`9699`: IndexError thrown by pyplot.legend() * :ghissue:`9494`: Categorical not hitting update path on fill_between * :ghissue:`9700`: Subsequent calls to plt.scatter with different categories raise ValueError * :ghissue:`9702`: Broken pdf export when using genuine TeX (Missing encode) * :ghissue:`9701`: Bars are not visible in bar plot when log scale is enabled * :ghissue:`9688`: ValueError: Invalid RGBA argument: nan * :ghissue:`9548`: failure on import due to IOError writing font cache * :ghissue:`9674`: is FigureCanvas.blit(... bbox=box) ever used? * :ghissue:`9671`: Style configuration changing behavior of savefig * :ghissue:`9663`: Spelling error in gallery (agg_oo_sgskip.html) * :ghissue:`9659`: patches.Arc objects randomly drawing the full ellipse * :ghissue:`9380`: Cannot import pyplot. NameError: 'FigureManagerWebAgg' is not defined * :ghissue:`3476`: File save dialog output goes to python terminal on OS X * :ghissue:`8623`: fill_between incorrect with log y-axis and value 0 * :ghissue:`4450`: shared axes switch to log scale * :ghissue:`9320`: 2.1 figure.legend broken * :ghissue:`9635`: matplotlib spline adjustment changes tick label visibility * :ghissue:`9388`: Mouse events have incorrect inaxes/data properties when axes overlap (matplotlib 2.1.0) * :ghissue:`9457`: ax.fill_between broken for log scale and values below zero * :ghissue:`9558`: Inconsistency between AutoLocator and AutoDateLocator * :ghissue:`9288`: Histograms disappear with logarithmic y-axis * :ghissue:`9628`: Histogram missing in Matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9609`: matplotlib color not equal to the setting * :ghissue:`9611`: Unexpected behaviour with string input to .plot and .fill_between * :ghissue:`9626`: Categorical plot example not working in 2.02. * :ghissue:`9348`: Matplotlib introduction is unattributed * :ghissue:`7158`: Arrays are not equal in 2.0.0b4 testsuite on Fedora rawhide/aarch64 (ARM v8 64bit) * :ghissue:`9520`: XKCD context manager not resetting anymore in 2.1 * :ghissue:`3491`: What's the best way to make a matplotlib colormap mutable? * :ghissue:`9541`: Broken Basemap rotpole projection * :ghissue:`9591`: Unable to draw horizontal arrow using annotation * :ghissue:`9592`: Scientific notation digits on figure * :ghissue:`9590`: Scientific format digits on figure * :ghissue:`9557`: Behavior of hist() with normed=True changes from v2.0 to v2.1 * :ghissue:`9585`: Cannot write JPG images anymore with Pillow 4.2 * :ghissue:`9581`: pixel sizes uneven with ImageGrid * :ghissue:`9577`: Plotting pcolor with datetime along coordinate fails with TypeError: invalid type promotion * :ghissue:`9578`: matplotlib 2.1.0 "stable" * :ghissue:`9467`: Error on updating to matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9249`: basemap pcolormesh warning with matplotlib 2.0 * :ghissue:`9443`: Cartopy Border Plotting Fails on 2.1 Only * :ghissue:`9567`: Possible bug in tight_layout? * :ghissue:`9560`: Can you add some speed speed to matplotlib.pyplot.stem? * :ghissue:`9537`: No Bugs at all * :ghissue:`8282`: changing facecolor to 'none' prevents updating canvas * :ghissue:`3708`: examples/cursor.py gives RuntimeError on mac osx * :ghissue:`8090`: Spectrogram of large arrays behaves badly on MacOSX backend * :ghissue:`6538`: On armv7hl, some get_cursor_data calls return 0 instead of None. * :ghissue:`9545`: plot_surface gives blank figure with log scale for axes * :ghissue:`8426`: PcolorImage does not set ``_extent`` * :ghissue:`9538`: How to avoid override pie * :ghissue:`9406`: 2.1.0 serious regression in Qt5 backend * :ghissue:`9361`: 2.1 change - Axis Limit Error * :ghissue:`9390`: Save to .pdf doesn't work in 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9485`: FileNotFoundError while import matplotlib (maybe pyplot) * :ghissue:`9332`: Qt backend figureoptions.py does not work due to change in image.py * :ghissue:`6516`: savefig to pdf: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' * :ghissue:`9499`: A 3D object appears in front of another object, even though it is physically behind it. * :ghissue:`5474`: tight_layout puts axes title below twiny xlabel * :ghissue:`9183`: X-axis doesn't show entirely * :ghissue:`8814`: 3D plot camera-rotation does not update with mouse movement when using the MacOS backend * :ghissue:`9491`: TextBox widget on MacOSX fails with RuntimeError: Cannot get window extent w/o renderer * :ghissue:`9496`: barh edgecolor and hatch are not applied to all bars * :ghissue:`8804`: Division by zero in AutoMinorLocator * :ghissue:`9480`: QWidget raise above canvas * :ghissue:`9489`: Opening an interactive figure doesn't work on MacOSX backend with matplotlib v2.1 * :ghissue:`7092`: pyplot.scatter method is not working with Iterator types of an input arguments * :ghissue:`8131`: bad error message from pyplot.plot * :ghissue:`8333`: Rely on numpy to properly normalize histograms with unequal bin widths * :ghissue:`9334`: Remove restriction in ``plt.margins(m)`` to 0 <= m <= 1 * :ghissue:`9474`: [TST] qt5 backend test sometimes failing * :ghissue:`9377`: Shadow applied to a simple patch does not show * :ghissue:`9355`: DOC: developer tips guide incomplete (for complete newbie) * :ghissue:`2539`: boxplot treats iterables differently by type * :ghissue:`5630`: Ipe backend * :ghissue:`9455`: ticklabel and gridlines in polar projection in v2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9088`: Number of levels in contour can be larger than the requested number * :ghissue:`9471`: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'zorder' * :ghissue:`8941`: Colorbar: 'shrink' not recognized at argument to colorbar when cax is specified * :ghissue:`9466`: Plot window crashes when the 'Edit axes' button is pressed' * :ghissue:`8411`: Saving figures as PDF miss aligns rotated labels * :ghissue:`9397`: Incorrect labels returned with custom formatter and locator * :ghissue:`9453`: how to remove the black bounding box of legend? * :ghissue:`8193`: eventplot throws exception when using color different than one of {'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'} * :ghissue:`8883`: Incorrect example for interactive plotting in Matplotlib Usage FAQ * :ghissue:`7527`: Locators raise unclear exceptions on MappingView input * :ghissue:`8769`: seeing issue on six.py import name in matplotlib on python3.4 * :ghissue:`9182`: Text bug * :ghissue:`9326`: Non-reproducible line in Image tutorial * :ghissue:`8796`: Varying results depending on freetype version * :ghissue:`9412`: pyplot.pause doesn't import the time module but uses it (v2.1.0) * :ghissue:`9407`: 2.1.0: Cannot save figures in GTK backend * :ghissue:`9176`: Appveyor build failing * :ghissue:`9331`: ``matplotlib.pyplot`` is missing from intersphinx * :ghissue:`9280`: imshow errors when plotting completely masked array * :ghissue:`9349`: user's guide seriously denuded... * :ghissue:`9369`: 2.1 - new problem with log ax.transData * :ghissue:`9371`: Toolbar issue: Python3, wx4, windows only * :ghissue:`9366`: MPL 2.1 cannot construct figure with figsize * :ghissue:`9351`: mpl 2.1 barcharts edgecolor and linewidth only apply to first bar * :ghissue:`9360`: When use a large data to draw a graph, It shows abnormal.. * :ghissue:`9357`: ENH: Pickle backend * :ghissue:`9345`: matplotlib 2.1.0, backend macosx: need _BackendMac, got FigureManagerMac * :ghissue:`9344`: ImportError: No module named functools_lru_cache * :ghissue:`9241`: Errorbar plot with first value masked raises TypeError * :ghissue:`9322`: Usage Guide has description "circled in green" for Axis from v 1.5 * :ghissue:`4728`: Sort out how to auto-nbconvert notebooks as part of doc build * :ghissue:`3707`: re-write release guide * :ghissue:`9315`: Can't exit the Drawing board process on Ubuntu * :ghissue:`7422`: Document that python setup.py develop add the symlink to easy-install.pth * :ghissue:`5256`: 1.5.0~rc2: unittest failures/errors on (debian) arm64 * :ghissue:`9301`: Panning with mouse using Axes3d in plt.show() is laggy * :ghissue:`9267`: NaN positional argument to ``ax.text`` fails silently notebook backend. * :ghissue:`9294`: Segmentation fault (core dumped) when import matplotlib.pyplot * :ghissue:`9235`: Incorrect fill_betweenx interpolation * :ghissue:`8706`: Bug with 3D graphing * :ghissue:`9276`: Discrepancy between svg and png plots * :ghissue:`9273`: plot() mfc doesn't accept RGBA color