(fig, artists, *args, **kwargs)¶Animation using a fixed set of Artist
Before creating an instance, all plotting should have taken place and the relevant artists saved.
Parameters: | fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
artists : list
interval : number, optional
repeat_delay : number, optional
repeat : bool, optional
blit : bool, optional
(fig, artists, *args, **kwargs)¶Methods
__init__ (fig, artists, *args, **kwargs) |
new_frame_seq () |
Creates a new sequence of frame information. |
new_saved_frame_seq () |
Creates a new sequence of saved/cached frame information. |
save (filename[, writer, fps, dpi, codec, …]) |
Saves a movie file by drawing every frame. |
to_html5_video ([embed_limit]) |
Returns animation as an HTML5 video tag. |
to_jshtml ([fps, embed_frames, default_mode]) |
Generate HTML representation of the animation |