.. _github-stats: GitHub Stats ============ GitHub stats for 2017/10/03 - 2017/12/09 (tag: v2.1.1) These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. We closed 78 issues and merged 172 pull requests. The full list can be seen `on GitHub `__ The following 44 authors contributed 455 commits. * Adrien F. Vincent * ahed87 * Allan Haldane * Antony Lee * apodemus * Arthur Paulino * Atharva Khare * Ben Root * cgohlke * Christoph Gohlke * David Stansby * deepyaman * Doug Blank * Elliott Sales de Andrade * Eric Firing * Filip Dimitrovski * hannah * Importance of Being Ernest * Jake Vanderplas * Jan Schulz * Jody Klymak * Joe C * Jose Luis Cortes Varela * Jun Tan * JunTan * Kevin Ji * Kexuan Sun * Matthew Brett * Matthias Bussonnier * mcquin * Michael Seifert * Nathan Musoke * Nelle Varoquaux * Nikita Kniazev * Patrick Faion * Paul Hobson * Ryan May * Sean Farley * Ted Petrou * Thomas A Caswell * Tim Hoffmann * Tom * Tom Dupré la Tour * TomDonoghue GitHub issues and pull requests: Pull Requests (172): * :ghpull:`9947`: Backport PR #9942 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9942`: Minor doc formatting cleanups in pyplot * :ghpull:`9924`: setupext: fix missing js files for web_backend * :ghpull:`9909`: Backport PR #9881 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9881`: Polar tick fixes * :ghpull:`9448`: Fix instance of 'RendererPS' has no 'tex' member * :ghpull:`9901`: Backport PR #9897 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9902`: DOC: correct inverted description of aspect * :ghpull:`9874`: Backport PR #9272 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9897`: changed line to 'alias for set_multialignment' * :ghpull:`9850`: Merge pull request #9773 from dopplershift/fix-appveyor * :ghpull:`9773`: MNT: Make sure AppVeyor fails if tests fail * :ghpull:`9760`: Fix exception when guessing the AFM familyname * :ghpull:`9340`: bugfix/test for #9336 integer overwrite in categorical * :ghpull:`9318`: Don't sort categorical keys. * :ghpull:`9796`: Add deprecation for Axes.set_thetagrids(frac). * :ghpull:`9772`: FIX: TextBox.disconnect remove from registries that TextBox has * :ghpull:`9803`: Add links to python's strftime method * :ghpull:`9793`: FIX: treat ``zorder=None`` as falling back to the default * :ghpull:`9777`: PR: Port Figure docstrings to numpydoc * :ghpull:`9770`: Backport PR #9670 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9768`: BLD: update MANIFEST.in to account for moved files * :ghpull:`9769`: Backport PR #9723 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9257`: FIX: segfault on truncated png * :ghpull:`9670`: Make tick_left/right keep labels off if they are already off * :ghpull:`9723`: ENH: Catch masked array and invalid x, y to pcolormesh * :ghpull:`9767`: Backport PR #9766 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9766`: Fix mixed_subplots example * :ghpull:`9762`: Backport PR #9759 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9759`: blocking_input: Fix "manager" attr check * :ghpull:`9755`: Backport PR #9743 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9754`: Backport PR #9752 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9743`: FIX: check if contour level in format dictionary, or return a default * :ghpull:`9752`: DOC: example demo_parasite_axes2.py broken on 2.1.0 * :ghpull:`9749`: Backport PR #9748 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9746`: Backport PR #9724 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9748`: Reword subplot() doc. * :ghpull:`9724`: Fix PDFpages bug * :ghpull:`9726`: FIX/TST: update tests for pandas 0.21 * :ghpull:`9734`: Backport PR #9733 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9733`: Allow _BackendNbAgg.show() to take keyword "block" * :ghpull:`9721`: Backport PR #9711 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9722`: FIX: copy=False for masked arrays in pcolormesh * :ghpull:`9711`: Minor markup fix. * :ghpull:`9714`: Backport PR #9662 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9662`: Fix crash when restarting OSX single shot timer * :ghpull:`9461`: Property tables * :ghpull:`9709`: FIX: ensure errorbar creates line collection even with empty data * :ghpull:`9710`: Backport PR #9705 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9705`: Fix scatterplot categorical support * :ghpull:`9692`: Backport PR #9687 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9687`: Fix callbackregistry docstring. * :ghpull:`9691`: Backport PR #9689 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9689`: Updates to font-related examples. * :ghpull:`9679`: Backport PR #9676 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9676`: FIX: Catch IOError on font-cache write * :ghpull:`9675`: Backport PR #9649 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9644`: Backport PR #9324 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9649`: Reoder Axes API docs. * :ghpull:`9667`: Backport PR #9661 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9661`: Fix arcs with very large width/height. * :ghpull:`9324`: [MRG] Allow kwarg handles and labels figure.legend and make doc for kwargs the same * :ghpull:`9633`: FIX: make labelrotation work as kwarg to tick_params as documented * :ghpull:`9632`: Backport PR #9359 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9631`: Backport PR #9389 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9630`: Backport PR #9612 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9359`: Keep track of axes in interactive navigation. * :ghpull:`9534`: Fix webagg * :ghpull:`9389`: Assign event to later Axes if zorders are tied. * :ghpull:`9612`: Only set view/data intervals if axis is set in AutoDateLocator * :ghpull:`9618`: Backport PR #9262 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9623`: Backport PR #9600 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9621`: Backport PR #9617 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9600`: Fix some widget docstrings. * :ghpull:`9262`: Minor doc markup fixes. * :ghpull:`9605`: Backport PR #9604 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9603`: Fix xkcd() not resetting context anymore. * :ghpull:`9604`: Gridspec doc fixes * :ghpull:`9521`: fix xkcd context * :ghpull:`9596`: Backport PR #9589 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9589`: Fix typo in isinstance * :ghpull:`9586`: Backport PR #9564 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9563`: Backport PR #9121 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9584`: Add returns documentation to fill_between methods * :ghpull:`9575`: Add some legend handler documentation * :ghpull:`9576`: Backport PR #9477 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9572`: Backport PR #9569 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9477`: In LogTransform, clip after log, not before. * :ghpull:`9568`: Add a proper docstring to AutoLocator * :ghpull:`9569`: Docstring fix. * :ghpull:`9564`: TST: add test of normed histogram with unequal bins * :ghpull:`9561`: Backport PR #9555 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9554`: Backport PR #9549 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9555`: MRG: expand docstring for ``hist`` * :ghpull:`9549`: Fix stale draws on MacOSX backend * :ghpull:`9547`: Backport PR #9540 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9542`: Backport PR #9442 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9540`: DOC fix set_xticklabels docstring * :ghpull:`9304`: Fedora build patches * :ghpull:`9442`: BUG: Fix ``_extent`` not set in PcolorImage * :ghpull:`9533`: Backport PR #9292 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9539`: Backport PR #9363 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9363`: Allow invalid limits when panning * :ghpull:`9527`: Backport PR #9516 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9505`: Doc draw event details * :ghpull:`9526`: Backport PR #9517 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9292`: Fix TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' * :ghpull:`9522`: Backport PR #9504 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9525`: Backport PR #9517 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9517`: Convert slider docstrings to numpydoc * :ghpull:`9516`: Make colorbar docstring numpydoc * :ghpull:`9504`: Truncate windows registry entries after null byte. * :ghpull:`9500`: Backport PR #9495 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9495`: Macosx fixes * :ghpull:`9492`: Backport PR #9465 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9465`: Avoid dividing by zero in AutoMinorLocator (fixes #8804) * :ghpull:`9468`: FIX: provide __ne__ implementation for transforms in py2 * :ghpull:`9446`: Backport PR #9418 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9449`: TST: Enable xdist on Appveyor * :ghpull:`9444`: STY: Remove explicit return in __init__ * :ghpull:`9431`: Backport PR #9427 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9418`: TST: Disable faulthandler on Windows if CPython 3.6-3.6.3 * :ghpull:`9440`: Remove reimport of modules * :ghpull:`9439`: Fix undefined variable 'warnings' * :ghpull:`9437`: Fix Undefined variable 'symbol' * :ghpull:`9430`: Backport PR #9428 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9411`: Backport PR #9410 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9427`: Fix NameError: name 'exc' is not defined * :ghpull:`9428`: Fix NameError: name 'ArgumentError' is not defined * :ghpull:`9416`: Backport PR #9415 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9415`: Import time module so that pyplot.pause works * :ghpull:`9382`: Backport PR #9343 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9410`: BUG: Fix savefig GUI in GTK backend * :ghpull:`9399`: Backport PR #9395 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9393`: Don't pass mixed str/bytes inputs to subprocess. * :ghpull:`9395`: TST: Unblock Appveyor build by patching ``subprocess`` * :ghpull:`9398`: Backport PR #9347 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9347`: Fix backend refactor * :ghpull:`9285`: FIX: handle fully masked data * :ghpull:`9343`: Fix broken link to proxy artists documentation * :ghpull:`9364`: Backport PR #9353 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9353`: Fix edgecolor being only applied to first bar. * :ghpull:`9352`: Backport PR #9335 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9335`: Fix poorly done deprecations in image.py. * :ghpull:`9337`: Backport PR #9242 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9338`: Backport PR #9279 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9279`: Update doc strings * :ghpull:`9242`: Errorbar bugfix * :ghpull:`9310`: Backport PR #9299 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9309`: DOC: Update docstring to numpy format for last few functions in transforms * :ghpull:`6969`: CI: add appveyor script to build Windows wheels * :ghpull:`9308`: Backport PR #9295 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9299`: Restore better error message on std::runtime_error. * :ghpull:`9295`: In text, warn and return instead of raise exception for non-finite x, y * :ghpull:`9283`: Backport PR #9277 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9307`: Backport PR #9303 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9303`: Don't use pytest.filterwarings, which needs pytest>=3.2. * :ghpull:`9297`: Backport PR #9289 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9289`: Throw std::runtime_exception instead of char*. * :ghpull:`9290`: Backport PR #9268 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9268`: Fix documents of semilogx and semilogy. * :ghpull:`9287`: Backport PR #9286 on branch v2.1.x * :ghpull:`9286`: Ask Appveyor to ignore certain branches. * :ghpull:`9277`: plot_surface docstring + edge case fix * :ghpull:`9270`: Fix C++ warnings * :ghpull:`9272`: Include the default of "plot_pre_code" of the plot directive in the documentation * :ghpull:`9258`: Remove four unused variables in src/_path.h. * :ghpull:`7335`: fix the stack remove error * :ghpull:`6949`: Value checking the numpoints argument to be a whole number. * :ghpull:`6161`: Fix #5456: Keep margins <= .5 in tight_layout * :ghpull:`8602`: doc: State default for legend's ``markerfirst`` * :ghpull:`8605`: Add mpl.contour to api docs; minor fix to docstring. Issues (78): * :ghissue:`9739`: doc inconsistency: definition of "aspect" * :ghissue:`9896`: Simple documentation typo * :ghissue:`9719`: Appveyor passing, even when tests are failing * :ghissue:`9436`: Instance of 'TextBox' has no 'observers' member? * :ghissue:`9744`: *frac* in set_thetagrids() doesn't work * :ghissue:`9819`: Multi-page PDF file size jumps since 2.0.0 * :ghissue:`9818`: edgecolor arg set to scalar applies to the first bar in bar() method * :ghissue:`9785`: ``zorder=None`` not properly handled * :ghissue:`9735`: 2.1.0 sdist does not allow building docs * :ghissue:`9808`: inconsistent hatch and border color in barh in matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`8982`: Backend MacOSX keyboard not working * :ghissue:`9256`: reading truncated png can segfault python * :ghissue:`9664`: Change in behavior of axis.tick_left() with shared axes from 2.0 to 2.1 * :ghissue:`9358`: zoom/pan stack bug in 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9720`: plt.pcolormesh stopped working with Masked Arrays * :ghissue:`9758`: plt.ginput broken on 2.1.0: plot does not appear * :ghissue:`9742`: clabel raises KeyError with level on boundary since matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9651`: "block" keyword unrecognized in 2.1 in notebook backend * :ghissue:`9716`: Large size of plots saved as pdf * :ghissue:`9729`: plt.pause() with notebook backend causes error * :ghissue:`8122`: keyword labelrotation is not recognized * :ghissue:`9655`: Segmentation fault when starting a timer a second time (MacOS X backend) * :ghissue:`9699`: IndexError thrown by pyplot.legend() * :ghissue:`9494`: Categorical not hitting update path on fill_between * :ghissue:`9700`: Subsequent calls to plt.scatter with different categories raise ValueError * :ghissue:`9702`: Broken pdf export when using genuine TeX (Missing encode) * :ghissue:`9701`: Bars are not visible in bar plot when log scale is enabled * :ghissue:`9548`: failure on import due to IOError writing font cache * :ghissue:`9659`: patches.Arc objects randomly drawing the full ellipse * :ghissue:`9380`: Cannot import pyplot. NameError: 'FigureManagerWebAgg' is not defined * :ghissue:`8623`: fill_between incorrect with log y-axis and value 0 * :ghissue:`9320`: 2.1 figure.legend broken * :ghissue:`9388`: Mouse events have incorrect inaxes/data properties when axes overlap (matplotlib 2.1.0) * :ghissue:`9457`: ax.fill_between broken for log scale and values below zero * :ghissue:`9558`: Inconsistency between AutoLocator and AutoDateLocator * :ghissue:`9288`: Histograms disappear with logarithmic y-axis * :ghissue:`9628`: Histogram missing in Matplotlib 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9611`: Unexpected behaviour with string input to .plot and .fill_between * :ghissue:`7158`: Arrays are not equal in 2.0.0b4 testsuite on Fedora rawhide/aarch64 (ARM v8 64bit) * :ghissue:`9557`: Behavior of hist() with normed=True changes from v2.0 to v2.1 * :ghissue:`9585`: Cannot write JPG images anymore with Pillow 4.2 * :ghissue:`8282`: changing facecolor to 'none' prevents updating canvas * :ghissue:`6538`: On armv7hl, some get_cursor_data calls return 0 instead of None. * :ghissue:`8426`: PcolorImage does not set ``_extent`` * :ghissue:`9406`: 2.1.0 serious regression in Qt5 backend * :ghissue:`9361`: 2.1 change - Axis Limit Error * :ghissue:`9390`: Save to .pdf doesn't work in 2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9485`: FileNotFoundError while import matplotlib (maybe pyplot) * :ghissue:`9332`: Qt backend figureoptions.py does not work due to change in image.py * :ghissue:`9491`: TextBox widget on MacOSX fails with RuntimeError: Cannot get window extent w/o renderer * :ghissue:`8814`: 3D plot camera-rotation does not update with mouse movement when using the MacOS backend * :ghissue:`8804`: Division by zero in AutoMinorLocator * :ghissue:`9455`: ticklabel and gridlines in polar projection in v2.1.0 * :ghissue:`9412`: pyplot.pause doesn't import the time module but uses it (v2.1.0) * :ghissue:`9176`: Appveyor build failing * :ghissue:`9280`: imshow errors when plotting completely masked array * :ghissue:`9351`: mpl 2.1 barcharts edgecolor and linewidth only apply to first bar * :ghissue:`9345`: matplotlib 2.1.0, backend macosx: need _BackendMac, got FigureManagerMac * :ghissue:`9241`: Errorbar plot with first value masked raises TypeError * :ghissue:`3707`: re-write release guide * :ghissue:`8706`: Bug with 3D graphing * :ghissue:`7358`: PEP8: making travis run pep8 on diff instead of comparing the total number of violation to be more robust. * :ghissue:`6976`: LaTeX wrong symbol displayed for sup- and subscript * :ghissue:`9206`: Interactive mode frozen on python 3.6.2 (Windows 7) * :ghissue:`6572`: segfault saving a high dpi png * :ghissue:`9210`: ValueError: ordinal must be >= 1 by plotting the index and its SMA * :ghissue:`7050`: Segmentation fault inside _backend_agg.so * :ghissue:`9017`: Getting "No module named '_tkinter'" error * :ghissue:`6420`: matplotlib Qt5Agg backend error: 'figure' is an unknown keyword argument * :ghissue:`5421`: Rectangle patch constructor fails with units * :ghissue:`4020`: Document default key-bindings * :ghissue:`5950`: Issues with Numpy 1.11 release candidate * :ghissue:`7319`: Alternative dev install instructions * :ghissue:`4936`: Memory leak in NavigationToolbar2.mouse_over * :ghissue:`5689`: Mac: Save button not working on 1.5.0 or 2.x with backend.qt4 in ipython 4 * :ghissue:`6411`: Rendered text images do not exactly overlap for same text content * :ghissue:`7168`: Future warning: elementwise comparison failed * :ghissue:`7851`: very small errors in test suite, py3.6 and 3.5