.. _development-workflow: ==================== Development workflow ==================== You've discovered a bug or something else you want to change in matplotlib_ .. |emdash| excellent! You've worked out a way to fix it |emdash| even better! You want to tell us about it |emdash| best of all! The easiest way to contribute to matplotlib_ is through github_. If for some reason you don't want to use github, see :ref:`making-patches` for instructions on how to email patches to the mailing list. You already have your own forked copy of the matplotlib_ repository, by following :ref:`forking`, :ref:`set-up-fork`, and you have configured git_ by following :ref:`configure-git`. Workflow summary ================ * Keep your ``master`` branch clean of edits that have not been merged to the main matplotlib_ development repo. Your ``master`` then will follow the main matplotlib_ repository. * Start a new *feature branch* for each set of edits that you do. * Do not merge the ``master`` branch or maintenance tracking branches into your feature branch. If you need to include commits from upstream branches (either to pick up a bug fix or to resolve a conflict) please *rebase* your branch on the upstream branch. * Ask for review! This way of working really helps to keep work well organized, and in keeping history as clear as possible. See |emdash| for example |emdash| `linux git workflow`_. Making a new feature branch =========================== :: git checkout -b my-new-feature master This will create and immediately check out a feature branch based on ``master``. To create a feature branch based on a maintenance branch, use:: git fetch origin git checkout -b my-new-feature origin/v1.0.x Generally, you will want to keep this also on your public github_ fork of matplotlib_. To do this, you `git push`_ this new branch up to your github_ repo. Generally (if you followed the instructions in these pages, and by default), git will have a link to your github_ repo, called ``origin``. You push up to your own repo on github_ with:: git push origin my-new-feature You will need to use this exact command, rather than simply ``git push`` every time you want to push changes on your feature branch to your github_ repo. However, in git >1.7 you can set up a link by using the ``--set-upstream`` option:: git push --set-upstream origin my-new-feature and then next time you need to push changes to your branch a simple ``git push`` will suffice. Note that ``git push`` pushes out all branches that are linked to a remote branch. The editing workflow ==================== Overview -------- :: # hack hack git add my_new_file git commit -am 'NF - some message' git push In more detail -------------- #. Make some changes #. See which files have changed with ``git status`` (see `git status`_). You'll see a listing like this one:: # On branch ny-new-feature # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: README # # Untracked files: # (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) # # INSTALL no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") #. Check what the actual changes are with ``git diff`` (`git diff`_). #. Add any new files to version control ``git add new_file_name`` (see `git add`_). #. To commit all modified files into the local copy of your repo,, do ``git commit -am 'A commit message'``. Note the ``-am`` options to ``commit``. The ``m`` flag just signals that you're going to type a message on the command line. The ``a`` flag |emdash| you can just take on faith |emdash| or see `why the -a flag?`_ |emdash| and the helpful use-case description in the `tangled working copy problem`_. The `git commit`_ manual page might also be useful. #. To push the changes up to your forked repo on github_, do a ``git push`` (see `git push`). Asking for code review |emdash| open a Pull Request (PR) ======================================================== It's a good idea to consult the :ref:`pull-request-checklist` to make sure your pull request is ready for merging. #. Go to your repo URL |emdash| e.g., ``http://github.com/your-user-name/matplotlib``. #. Select your feature branch from the drop down menu: #. Click on the green button: #. Make sure that you are requesting a pull against the correct branch #. Enter a PR heading and description (if there is only one commit in the PR github will automatically fill these fields for you). If this PR is addressing a specific issue, please reference it by number (ex #1325) which github will automatically make into links. #. Click 'Create Pull Request' button! #. Discussion of the change will take place in the pull request thread. Staying up to date with changes in the central repository ========================================================= This updates your working copy from the upstream `matplotlib github`_ repo. Overview -------- :: # go to your master branch git checkout master # pull changes from github git fetch upstream # merge from upstream git merge --ff-only upstream/master In detail --------- We suggest that you do this only for your ``master`` branch, and leave your 'feature' branches unmerged, to keep their history as clean as possible. This makes code review easier:: git checkout master Make sure you have done :ref:`linking-to-upstream`. Merge the upstream code into your current development by first pulling the upstream repo to a copy on your local machine:: git fetch upstream then merging into your current branch:: git merge --ff-only upstream/master The ``--ff-only`` option guarantees that if you have mistakenly committed code on your ``master`` branch, the merge fails at this point. If you were to merge ``upstream/master`` to your ``master``, you would start to diverge from the upstream. If this command fails, see the section on accidents_. The letters 'ff' in ``--ff-only`` mean 'fast forward', which is a special case of merge where git can simply update your branch to point to the other branch and not do any actual merging of files. For ``master`` and other integration branches this is exactly what you want. Other integration branches -------------------------- Some people like to keep separate local branches corresponding to the maintenance branches on github. At the time of this writing, ``v1.0.x`` is the active maintenance branch. If you have such a local branch, treat is just as ``master``: don't commit on it, and before starting new branches off of it, update it from upstream:: git checkout v1.0.x git fetch upstream git merge --ff-only upstream/v1.0.x But you don't necessarily have to have such a branch. Instead, if you are preparing a bugfix that applies to the maintenance branch, fetch from upstream and base your bugfix on the remote branch:: git fetch upstream git checkout -b my-bug-fix upstream/v1.0.x .. _accidents: Recovering from accidental commits on master -------------------------------------------- If you have accidentally committed changes on ``master`` and ``git merge --ff-only`` fails, don't panic! First find out how much you have diverged:: git diff upstream/master...master If you find that you want simply to get rid of the changes, reset your ``master`` branch to the upstream version:: git reset --hard upstream/master As you might surmise from the words 'reset' and 'hard', this command actually causes your changes to the current branch to be lost, so think twice. If, on the other hand, you find that you want to preserve the changes, create a feature branch for them:: git checkout -b my-important-changes Now ``my-important-changes`` points to the branch that has your changes, and you can safely reset ``master`` as above |emdash| but make sure to reset the correct branch:: git checkout master git reset --hard upstream/master Deleting a branch on github_ ============================ :: git checkout master # delete branch locally git branch -D my-unwanted-branch # delete branch on github git push origin :my-unwanted-branch Note the colon ``:`` before ``my-unwanted-branch``. See also: https://help.github.com/articles/pushing-to-a-remote/#deleting-a-remote-branch-or-tag Exploring your repository ========================= To see a graphical representation of the repository branches and commits:: gitk --all To see a linear list of commits for this branch:: git log You can also look at the `network graph visualizer`_ for your github_ repo. .. include:: links.inc