.. _toolkits-index: .. toctree:: :hidden: axes_grid/index.rst mplot3d/index.rst ######## Toolkits ######## .. htmlonly:: :Release: |version| :Date: |today| .. _toolkits: Toolkits are collections of application-specific functions that extend matplotlib. .. _toolkit_basemap: Basemap ======= (*Not distributed with matplotlib*) Plots data on map projections, with continental and political boundaries, see `basemap `_ docs. .. image:: http://matplotlib.org/basemap/_images/contour1.png :height: 400px Cartopy ======= (*Not distributed with matplotlib*) An alternative mapping library written for matplotlib ``v1.2`` and beyond. `Cartopy `_ builds on top of matplotlib to provide object oriented map projection definitions and close integration with Shapely for powerful yet easy-to-use vector data processing tools. An example plot from the `Cartopy gallery `_: .. image:: http://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/latest/_images/hurricane_katrina_01_00.png :height: 400px .. _toolkit_gtk: GTK Tools ========= mpl_toolkits.gtktools provides some utilities for working with GTK. This toolkit ships with matplotlib, but requires `pygtk `_. .. _toolkit_excel: Excel Tools =========== mpl_toolkits.exceltools provides some utilities for working with Excel. This toolkit ships with matplotlib, but requires `xlwt `_ .. _toolkit_natgrid: Natgrid ======= (*Not distributed with matplotlib*) mpl_toolkits.natgrid is an interface to natgrid C library for gridding irregularly spaced data. This requires a separate installation of the natgrid toolkit from the sourceforge `download `_ page. .. _toolkit_mplot3d: mplot3d ======= :ref:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d ` provides some basic 3D plotting (scatter, surf, line, mesh) tools. Not the fastest or feature complete 3D library out there, but ships with matplotlib and thus may be a lighter weight solution for some use cases. .. plot:: mpl_examples/mplot3d/contourf3d_demo2.py .. _toolkit_axes_grid: AxesGrid ======== The matplotlib :ref:`AxesGrid ` toolkit is a collection of helper classes to ease displaying multiple images in matplotlib. The AxesGrid toolkit is distributed with matplotlib source. .. image:: /_static/demo_axes_grid.png .. _toolkit_mpldatacursor: MplDataCursor ============= (*Not distributed with matplotlib*) `MplDataCursor `_ is a toolkit written by Joe Kington to provide interactive "data cursors" (clickable annotation boxes) for matplotlib. .. _prettyplotlib: prettyplotlib ============= `prettyplotlib `_ is an extension to matplotlib which changes many of the defaults to make plots some consider more attractive. .. _hl_plotting: ################### High-Level Plotting ################### Several projects have started to provide a higher-level interface to matplotlib. These are independent projects. .. _seaborn: seaborn ======= (*Not distributed with matplotlib*) `seaborn `_ is a high level interface for drawing statistical graphics with matplotlib. It aims to make visualization a central part of exploring and understanding complex datasets. .. _ggplot: ggplot ====== (*Not distributed with matplotlib*) `ggplot `_ is a port of the R ggplot2 to python based on matplotlib.