.. _old_animation-animation_blit_wx: old_animation example code: animation_blit_wx.py ================================================ [`source code `_] :: # For detailed comments on animation and the techniqes used here, see # the wiki entry # http://www.scipy.org/wikis/topical_software/MatplotlibAnimation from __future__ import print_function # The number of blits() to make before exiting NBLITS = 1000 import matplotlib matplotlib.use('WXAgg') matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import wx import sys import pylab as p import numpy as npy import time # allow the user to disable the WXAgg accelerator from the command line if '--no-accel' in sys.argv: import matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg._use_accelerator(False) fig, ax = plt.subplots() canvas = fig.canvas p.subplots_adjust(left=0.3, bottom=0.3) # check for flipy bugs p.grid() # to ensure proper background restore # create the initial line x = npy.arange(0,2*npy.pi,0.01) line, = p.plot(x, npy.sin(x), animated=True, lw=2) # for profiling tstart = time.time() blit_time = 0.0 def update_line(*args): global blit_time if update_line.background is None: update_line.background = canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox) # restore the clean slate background canvas.restore_region(update_line.background) # update the data line.set_ydata(npy.sin(x+update_line.cnt/10.0)) # just draw the animated artist ax.draw_artist(line) # just redraw the axes rectangle t = time.time() canvas.blit(ax.bbox) blit_time += time.time() - t if update_line.cnt == NBLITS: # print the timing info and quit frame_time = time.time() - tstart print('%d frames: %.2f seconds' % (NBLITS, frame_time)) print('%d blits: %.2f seconds' % (NBLITS, blit_time)) print() print('FPS: %.2f' % (NBLITS/frame_time)) print('BPS: %.2f' % (NBLITS/blit_time)) sys.exit() update_line.cnt += 1 wx.WakeUpIdle() update_line.cnt = 0 update_line.background = None wx.EVT_IDLE(wx.GetApp(), update_line) p.show() Keywords: python, matplotlib, pylab, example, codex (see :ref:`how-to-search-examples`)